Today is...

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To all the readers, fanart creators, graphic designers, and writers I follow, I'm so happy. I've only been a true fangirl, for about a couple years and even though I don't know everything I've come very far.

Creating is hard, and inspiration can run slow. Can you put in the comments what helps you to get inspired? Maybe your comments will help other people and me. Usually, I watch youtube videos that surround what I'm writing about.

I thank everyone who's been a huge part of my writing. You're all inspiring.

A few I'll name are below.









Some of the ones on this list are amazing graphic designers. I just love being a fangirl, no matter how tiring it can get. How long have you been writing fanfiction?

Also, this blog post:

describes what it's like to be a fanfic writer better than I can.

Check it out.

Bye lovelies, until next time!

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