Chapter 9- India

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The children and wives were being taken to their family heads. I walked out of the quinjet and into my room. I decided with a warm bath instead of shower. I washed my hair, and started to play with my powers. I created a heart out of water, froze it, and then cracked it down the middle. The image of my sister being killed kept replaying in mind, I still couldn't believe that she had chosen my father, no NOT my father, Vince's side. The heart began to boil, until there was nothing left but air. Thanos is still playing him, as soon as I said Thanos his face appeared in my mind. He needed to be stopped, I just didn't know how. My mother had always told me to believe, I was so powerful but yet I couldn't use it. I just didn't know how.

I decided that dinner was being made so I got out of the tub and dried my hair. I pulled it into a side braid and ponytail. My bangs were curled. I decided to put on jeggings and a sweater shirt. I was wearing boots, and I grabbed my camera as I knew sleeping tonight would be hard.

I walked to the elevator to see it had stopped and Bucky and Cap seemed to be going to dinner as well.

"Good evening," I said with a smile, I hoped that they couldn't see my suffering as clear as day.

They nodded in acknowledgement, but didn't say a word. With the snap of my fingers, my camera disappeared.

It was quiet, until Bucky tried, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," I said with a smile.

By this time everyone was up at the Kitchen, for dinner it appeared to be Gumbo. Yum, Gumbo is my favorite. I put on a brave face, but on the inside I was a broken heart. The rest of the Avengers were surprised to see me with a smile.

I could feel them all staring at me as I sat down and began to eat. Thanos suddenly appeared in my mind, but I pushed him back and began concentrating on how everyone else was.

"How can you be so Heartless?!?" Said Steve as he looked at me with disgust.

I was surprised, but showed no emotion. The way he looked at me reminded me exactly of Lucy. I did everything I could to keep my eyes from building up with fresh tears. "You're right, I am heartless, I am so sorry. I am no longer hungry. Have a good night." I said as I snapped my fingers and my helmet appeared.

I created a portal to the garage. My motorcycle appeared along with my biker's jacket. My converse changed into boots, I got on my seat, and revved the engines. Friday opened up the garage. Another portal opened up, and I went to my favorite place. I rode all the way through the Indian traffic.

I felt my eyes build up and then slowly a waterfall occurred. I was so mad at myself for not holding it in.

I rode to a house, surrounded by guards. They seemed to know it was me as they all backed away to allow me to enter. I parked in the front.

"Let her highness know, her Best Friend is here," I said as my clothes changed into a turquoise and gold Indian Sari. The top stopped at my belly button and I wore a skirt with gold sandals. My hair was in a waterfall braid, and the rest was down. I had a see through scarf that folded itself around my shoulders.

I walked in greeted by a wine glass, and my best friend: Hiran, meaning Gold.

"Morfia are you ok?" She asked she pulled me into a hug. I realized the reason she asked was because of the fresh tears, ruining my makeup.

"I just need someone I know, who won't criticize me for doing things my own way," I said as I sobbed and continued to hug her......


Tony Stark- At dinner

I decided Gumbo would be nice, especially after witnessing a family rivalry and then fight. I had already sent the two families to be put under shield protection so I was getting the food ready, about 30 minutes it was boiling. An hour later, everyone was down at the table, except for Steve, Bucky, and Morfia. I really hoped that she would show up and was ok.

I heard the elevator ding, and was surprised to Omorfia with a smile. I knew it was her own way of handling it so I let it be. She sat down and began eating.

What was said next surprised me: "How can you be so Heartless?!?" Said Steve as he looked at her with disgust. I don't know what overcome me, but I had a sudden need to protect her.

Her eyes glossed over with tears, I watched as she slowly stood up and said: "You're right, I am heartless, I am so sorry. I am no longer hungry. Have a good night" She snapped her fingers and a helmet appeared. I knew she was going for a ride. She was gone within the next 5 seconds. Everyone was stunned into silence including Steve as he realized what he just said. Nat and Wanda stood up from behind him, and smacked him in the back of the head.

"Way to go Cap," I said my voice laced with sarcasm.

"You just made her feel worse!!!" Yelled Nat and Wanda combined. It sounded really creepy.

"We have to find her," Said Loki as he stood anxiously pacing.

"I know who to call," I said as I dialed Fury.

'Director Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D,' He said with the same monotone voice we all new.

'We have a problem,' I said trying to ease my way through the situation. I did not need Fury's fury. HAHA see what I did there, ok back to the situation at hand: Omorfia's Disappearance.

'Yes Stark,' he said with a sigh, probably not prepared for the information I was about to give him.

'Omorfia has disappeared,' I said quietly but apparently he heard me, as I could hear him scream.

'WHATTT!!!!! I'm on my way......' He quickly hung up.

"Well we are having company." I said as I cleared the table.

An hour later Fury returned with Coulson and a group of Shield Agents.

We later figured out that Coulson was the team leader of Jemma, Fitz, Daisy, and May. The rest of his team was on a mission.

They were finally able to track her down to...... India?

"Ah, she always talked about how beautiful it was and how she finally met a friend who understood her. I don't even want to know why she left just go make it right." He said as he walked back to the quinjet on the roof.

It appeared that Coulson and his team were coming to see Morfia. As Morfia was and still is pretty close to Daisy.

I guess India here we come.


So what do you think of Coulson's team and their sudden appearance?? What about Caps, attitude? I think he was caught up in his moment, but what he said was still unacceptable.... I know, I made him say that, but you will eventually see why......

Have any of you had Gumbo??? Its awesome, you should look it up..... My father makes the best Gumbo!!

Don't forget to comment questions for the next Interview!!! Hope you enjoyed that, my loyal Avengers!!! Next big question as I want to learn more about my readers: What is your favorite hobby?? And last but not least: What is your favorite type of food??

My favorite hobby is reading, and on the side I love The Maze Runner! My favorite type of food is I guess you could say Italian...... I have always wanted to go to Italy and even learn Italian!!! Ok off topic, but don't forget to answer your questions, and comment others!!!

Maya out!! (Imagine a majestic hair flip, and then walks away but trips! That would be me!! LOL ;))

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