Chapter 3- Earth's Mightiest Heroes

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I landed on my balcony, I grabbed my katana, daggers, gun, and robe with hood. I decided to pack my favorite bikers leather jacket, skinny jeans, Converse, and a black taint top. But I decided to wear my black and red renaissance dress. I tried to look as menacing as possible. My leather backpack was full with my belongings. I grabbed my phone, and secured my new amulet around my neck. I made my bag turn into a charm bracelet and each object was a charm I needed. The amulet began to glow, and finally the time gem created a portal. I triple checked everything and went through the portal. I appeared in my house I made just for earth. I had a vision of all of the Avengers meeting together in upstate New York.

I created another portal and on the other side was a table, I walked straight through. A woman i recognized as Black widow had a gun trained on me.

I raised my eyebrow, and suddenly the gun turned to sand.

"Director Fury, I assume this is wrong time, but Queen Frigga said you requested my assistance." I said as I bowed to show all of them respect including the two princes in front of me.

"Please Morfia, cut the formalities. You came just at the right time."

"Uhh. Who is this?" Asked Tony.

"This, my friends is Omorfia, Daughter of the Galaxy. It's your father again, we have to stop him once and for all. Omorfia is the best fighter I know. And is practically older than all of you combined."

"Please Fury, I am here to help you stop Thanos, not tell everyone about my accomplishments. It is a pleasure to meet you all. I have heard only stories, but to come face to face is the real thing, I admire all of you." I said as I looked all of the Avengers up and down. They nodded as if they had heard it many times before. 

"Omorfia you should really give yourself more credit."

"Thank you. Do you know where I will be staying?"

"Yes, as of now you will be with the avengers in the 'A' Tower. We believe it will benefit all of you to get to know each other."

"Of course. I understand." I took a seat and allowed for everyone to continue.

"I actually have 1 question," said Stark.

"Yes......." asked Fury.

"Whats with the black? Is it like a think from where you are from." he said pointing to me.

"It is just the color I feel most comfortable in. It is very easy to match with other colors."

"I see, ok continue."

"As I was saying, Thanos has resurfaced and is going across the galaxy to retrieve the infinity stones, our job is to get to them before he does and give them to Morfia, for her to put in safekeeping."

"Wait, why do we give it to someone we barely know, is already very powerful, and could just kill us in a matter of seconds? We can't even see her face, how do we know she isn't someone sent to kill us?" Asked the captain a little annoyed.

Fury looked at me as if i wanted to explain. I sighed and self consciously pulled my robe closer to my face, as my purple hair fell in front of my face.

"I assure you captain, I am the most qualified to be here. I am the only person other than my father who is capable of holding infinity stones. It is my destiny to destroy thanos once and for all. Although, I may not seem powerful, I am just that." I said as I slowly pulled my hood down, to show my glowing purple hair purple eyes.

They all gasped, I didn't know what for until, the amulet started to glow and then turn red.

"That amulet, is very powerful, what is the source?" Loki finally said as he walked up to examine closely.

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