Chapter 5- Girls Day Out

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OK, Hey guys!! So what did you think of the Mini-Interview. I thought it was pretty awesome. I was thinking of doing it every 3-4 chapters. If you have any questions you would like for them to answer, please comment and I will do my best to Answer. Tell your friends about this book, now your probably wondering about chapter 5, so here you go my friends. Chapter 6 should be out shortly, but for now Enjoy!!!!


As soon as I came up, I could smell the coffee and bacon coming from the kitchen. I walked in fully aware of the Avengers all watching me.

"So Morfia where did you go after dropping Wanda and Nat off at their levels?" Asked Tony, as he poured himself a cup a coffee.

"My room," I said showing no emotion, as I used my telekinesis to pour coffee into my cup, that had appeared in my hand. 

"Friday, show the security camera for the garage, streets, and Central Park at 1 A.M." he said as he looked at me smugly. I visibly gulped, as the table became more important than the T.V, which showed me walking out, riding, and then beating the crap out of hydra agents.

"So Morfia, where were you?" Tony asked as he took a sip of his drink.

I looked at everyone, with raised eyebrows hoping they wouldn't make me say anything. They all nodded, including Loki and Bucky. I sighed a heavy sigh and said, "Well it was 12 in the morning, and it's been awhile since, I had been in Central Park. So I decided to take a ride on my motorcycle. I brought my camera to take pictures, and it just so happened that those men where there. I knew they were Hydra, and I didn't want them to follow me back so I knocked them out. Everyday life, Big deal." I said as I grabbed the sweetener and poured literally a cup.

"Well I am just glad your OK," Said Cap as he looked at me.

I visibly tensed, and it seemed to catch the eye of Loki as he eyed me out of the corner of his book. It felt weird to know that people care about my safety, although it's something that hasn't happened in a while.

"So ladies, do we still have plans to go out? I am dying for new skinny jeans, and converse. We also need to head to the weapons departure store, I would like cleaning supplies for my katana." I said as I tried to lighten the mood. That seemed to catch the attention of Wanda as her eyes widen, like she remembered that today was the day for shopping.

"Yes, I went on the website for JCpenney, and they are having a 50% off sale for boots. I need some for this new season." Said Nat as she pulled out her purse. Wanda's phone was in hand, along with a wallet.

I just had my phone and wallet, which was filled with money, since I could just conjure up money.  

I created a portal, to a mall in Paris.

"Where does this go?" Asked Wanda as she stood up from her seat.

"A mall in Paris, I have been plenty of times and they have the cutest men."I said as I quietly fan girled, and pulled up a picture of a man I knew. Names Jovan, he had welcomed me to the city and allowed me to visit him every time I was in town. "For example, this is Jovan, first time I visited he welcomed me to the city, and we spent that day together. They have a really nice cafe a little ways from his street. In London, they have the best salons. I am going to get a little blue added to my hair, and then an Acrylic done. Since everything is paid in euros, if you want something just let me know." I said as euros appeared in my hand. All the men looked at me with eyebrows raised, since this is the first time they had heard me talked for this long.

"Morfia you are the best," Said Wanda as she pulled Nat into the portal.

I walked backwards, as I winked at all of the men, their eyes widened. Before the portal could closed the men pushed in Peter. I guess to make sure we made it back in one piece, and without a boy.

"So Peter, ready to spend a day with the girls!" Said Wanda as she turned around to face him.

In all the places I visit the most, I have houses. So that's where we appeared. It was a simple 2 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, with kitchen, living room, library, and music room. We all walked out, "I am going to see if Jovan is out, maybe we can do lunch with him," I said as I knocked on his house.

"Yes, oh Lillian so good to see you," Jovan said as he gave me a hug.

"Yes, Jovan it's been what 3 years, you haven't changed a bit." I said as I hugged him back.

Wanda, Nat, and Peter looked at me with raised eyebrows, I guess I forgot to tell them about my alias. So I sent them all a message telepathically 'All around the world, there is a legend called Omorfia. If people were to know him I really am, Thanos would find me much more faster. Lillian is my alias. So get used to calling me that.'

They all looked at me in surprise, but then quietly nodded.

"So Jovan are you busy, these friends of mine are visiting. I want them to get the full effect of Paris," I said as I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively with a small smile.

"Lucky for you, I had the week off, How about we go to the Sunset Cafe, they have amazing coffee," He said as he pulled his scarf, hat, and wallet from the table.

"Oh, so the Paris firm, finally gave you off,"

"Yes, I am so psyched, I am happy you are here, what are your friends names," he said as he motioned for us to get into the car.

Pointing to Nat I said, "This is Jackie." To Wanda I said, "This is Scarlet." Then to Peter I said," This is Tom." They all seemed to get the point of fake names, so they shook his hand and got into the back seat of his convertible.

I guess they left the front seat to me. It took about 10 minutes with traffic, to get to the cafe. On every corner a store was open, so we decided to park and walk. It was about an hour of shopping, Jovan and Peter would talk, and Wanda, me, and Nat were left to gossip. By this time it was was 12, and lunch time.  Our hands were filled with bags from many stores, I was finally able to get my black and white hi-low dress, and black stilettos to match. We decided to go to L'Avenue, for lunch as they have good lunch menus. After lunch we went to the salon, and us ladies got our nails done. My favorite hairstylist Johnny added blue to the purple, and then he curled it for free, doing the same to Wanda. He added a darker color to her hair. I decided a nude nail polish would do me some good, as Wanda got coral, and Nat a blood red to match her hair. By this time it was 3, we decided to walk around for a bit.

Nat seemed to be looking over her shoulder, I didn't realize why until I saw: a group of about 3 men, I peered into their heads. Each mind was screaming Hydra. Their mission: Discreetly take out Omorfia, Under Thanos orders. In the back of their minds was a lock, I used me knowledge of picking a lock, and the safe opened to show memories. Each man had a family. I looked into their eyes and saw blue, the same blue for the tesseract. Now I know Thanos has the tesseract and he is working with hydra. I peered into their minds one more time, and saw a warehouse in Germany, each man's family was trapped.

I sent a message to Peter, Wanda, and Nat: 'Three men, Hydra, do not engage, under control of Thanos, I knock them out, create a portal to the tower, we take them in.' Wanda and Peter didn't understand, until they turned around, and saw their eyes. They were glowing an unusual shade of blue. 'Give me a second to send Javon home,' They all nodded went to sit on a bench.

"Javon, we had a wonderful time, I hope to see you again, but we must really be heading home," I said as I give him a hug.

"Yes of course, please give me a call for when you get home." he said as he waved behind me to our group. He started to walk away, to make sure nothing would happen once I left, I created a force field around his house. The men got closer to us, so I used my Aether ability to thrust the power to all three of their heads. As they fell, a portal opened, we all walked through.

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