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Back at the temple, Ruby, Peridot, and Pearl sat in the sand. "What has happened....." Peridot said. Pearl and Ruby just looked at each other. "Lapis only was sane with Steven, without him she, let her anger out..." Pearl explained. Peridot wiped a tear from her eye. Ruby sat in the hot sand and just closed her eyes. She wanted to fight back and have her revenge but she was no match for Amethyst AND Jasper. "You know what guys I am sick pf being afraid...we are going to fight back.....Even gone we will still do it....for Sapphire and Steven.." Ruby said. Peridot and Pearl looked at each other and shrugged. Peridot built metal tools and metal everything to bring. She also gave Ruby another gem-made gauntlet. Peridot also built Pearl some high tech glasses, for x ray. They were making plans of to attack. They already knew they were in the kindergarten but they still need a plan to attack and for sure to beat them. Peridot had a map of the whole kindergarten and drew lines and scribbles. "Pearl, is it possible to heal Sapphire?" Ruby asked. Pearl then looked down and cried. "If it was, we would have healed Steven"

Rogue AmethystWhere stories live. Discover now