Chp. 20- Preparation

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13k reads. I love you all so much! You don't even know how grateful I am. :) even when I haven't updated in almost a year, the continuous love is amazing.

Jason's POV.

"Whoa whoa whoa, no way my Annabeth is going alone." Percy declares.

"This is insanity. No way." I declare.

After the war with Gaea, I was just happy things had settled down at camp. I didn't want to lose the girl I love again, and this almost all girl quest just didn't sound like a good idea. Not to bash the girls on their part, but my guy instincts just take over to protect them at all costs.

"We're all going insane anyway." Frank grumbles.

"Whoa guys, I can tooottttally protect the ladies." Leo declared, and flashed a grin.

"Leo, this is serious." I say.

"Hey, are you saying we can't protect ourselves?" Annabeth says, twirling her dagger on her finger.

"No, we just care about you." Percy cuts in.

Annabeth grabs his hand, then flips him over to the ground in one swift move.

Everyone laughs then helps him up, and Percy makes an annoyed face.

"That's her way of saying "I love you." Percy laughs.

"Well we still need to decide this quest thing. What if we take a few extras?" I ask.

"No, that's not wise. It's never smart to go against the prophecy, remember?" Annabeth says, thinking about the last quest they all went on.

"Than what do you suppose we do, wise girl? I'm not staying." Percy remarks sarcastically.

"You could use a break, you know. You've been going on every single quest since you were twelve." Piper states.

"That's true, Percy. You do need a break." Annabeth says.

"You've been going on quests since you were twelve too, Annabeth." Percy grumbles.

"You know what, it's Silena's quest so we should let her decide." Leo says, everyone goes silent.

We all look at Silena, expecting an answer.

"I like my choices. I feel like we have a good team, and we'll be okay." Silena says, looking uncomfortable being put on the spot.

"Good, we leave when the Argo II is ready." Piper says with authority and walks to her cabin.

"Well... Just go then." Jason says in defeat, like he doesn't know what to say.

"Guys... Maybe it's uh.. A little soon?" Bad boy supreme actually gives a worried smirk.

"Nope, Leo. We go now." Annabeth says sternly.

Calypso jumps in immediately in protest, even after its been decided.

"Leo..." Her eyes well up with tears.

"Sunshine, I have to. This is an urgent quest." Leo's voice cracks with discomfort.

By the tone of his voice, she's realized that there is no arguing.

Leo tears up, and wraps her in a warm hug. She hugs him back, tears spilling from her big hazel eyes.

"If you need anything, just send an Iris message my love." Leo says, and kisses her forehead tenderly and she nods.

"I'll prepare the Argo II." Leo says loudly for everyone to hear, and we all go to our separate cabins to prepare.

When it all Came Back. (An after Blood Of Olympus story)Where stories live. Discover now