Chp. 1- Saving Her From Reality

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The wind whips my auburn hair around wildly, like a mini tornado on my head. I was still blinking every second, making sure this was real. And every time, it was. I was riding on a dragon with Him in front of me, my arms wrapped tightly around his waist for support. I think I can admit it, it would really suck to just be saved by my hero, then die from falling off Happy The Dragon.

I see flashing city lights below me, which is weird to me. Maybe it's because I'm so old, but I was pretty sure I had never seen anything like this. Life on Ogygia was quite simple.

Wake up.





Fall in love with a Hero every now and then.

Get my heart ripped out of my chest then sloppily put back in

Leo wasn't like that, and I loved him for it. He swore he would come back for me, and that's exactly what he did.

He had asked me, "Where do you wanna go?" and honestly, I didn't know. Most of my life was spent on Ogygia. Finally, he said it was a surprise since I hadn't decided. With his smirky smile on his face, he set the compass to a location and we headed beyond the clouds.

When it all Came Back. (An after Blood Of Olympus story)Where stories live. Discover now