Flashback Pt. 2

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When Jeonghan finally arrived at Los Angeles, California, he immediately contacted Miyoung so she would know how fine Jeonghan was. Everything's okay but the only problem was, they missed each other already.

Every day was always like that. Jeonghan will contact Miyoung every time he wakes up in the morning, before he goes to sleep, and when he's bored. They don't care if the countries' time zones are different.

A year had passed and Miyoung was very excited because Jeonghan will be back after a few weeks. Miyoung went to the kitchen just to tell to her mom how excited she was but she heard her mom was talking to someone through the phone.

She stood beside the door of the kitchen and waited for her mom to be done talking to the person who she was talking to through the phone.

When Miyoung heard her bestfriend's name mentioned her mom, she suddenly started to eavesdrop to their conversation.

"Oh, Mrs. Yoon... So that means, Jeonghan is not going back here soon?"

"Yes. Please tell Miyoung that my son is sorry and I am sorry too. We really have to live here because of our work and such."

Miyoung heard all of Mrs. Yoon's words and it gave her so much pain. Her mother's conversation with Mrs. Yoon was in loud speaker so that's why she could hear all what they're talking about.

"All of you will never go back here? How about on vacation?"

"No, Mrs. Jeon. I'm very sorry for your daughter. We will go back there but we don't know when. Sad to say, maybe after 5 years or more."

"What?! 5 years?!" Miyoung mumbled.

"That's a long time, very." Mrs. Jeon sighed

"Please do tell your daughter about this. I'll just call you later, okay?"

"Okay. Bye!"

After ending the call, Mrs. Jeon heard someone's sobbing. She turned around and saw her daughter standing beside the door.

"Oh, Mi-Miyoung... How long have you been standing there?" Mrs. Jeon asked nervously. She doesn't want to tell her daughter about the Yoon family not going back in Korea for now but her daughter already heard everything.

"M-mom... What did I just hear? I-is it really true? The-they are not going back here ever?" Miyoung asked while sobbing.

"Miyoung-ah, it's okay. They will go back here but they haven't planned it yet. Let's just wait, okay?" Mrs. Jeon said as she kneeled down to wipe Miyoung's tears on her cheeks.

"Wait?! Am I always going to wait?! I'm sick of waiting, mom! Jeonghan promised me that he will go back after one year." Miyoung cried loudly.

"Has he called you already? Did he tell you already about this?"

"Not yet. He hasn't called me for three days." Miyoung looked down.

"He's probably thinking how he will tell it you. Just give him a time! He didn't mean to break his promise to you." Mrs. Jeon patted her head.

Miyoung didn't say anything. She just ran to her bedroom and cried.

When Jeonghan contacted her and talked about it, Miyoung can't stop herself and kept crying. She really wanted her bestfriend to go back because she really missed her bestfriend so much, so does Jeonghan too.

"I'm sorry, I broke my promise." Jeonghan sighed. "Let's just keep in touch!"

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