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I walked back to my office room and grabbed my things.

MinGyeong threw me some questions, asking if I've already talked to my parents and what their answers are. I just ignored her and stormed out of the office room, leaving MinGyeong alone.

I went to the parking lot and hopped in my car. Before I started to drive, I checked the time—07:45PM. I don't want to go home for now because I don't want to be with my parents and I don't want to face them, they're irritating me.

I went to a club for awhile to have some time alone and to drink, of course. I went inside and then the cheering sounds of people and the upbeat music booming around the huge room welcomed me.

There are a lot of people now. Most are on the dance floor with their drinks on their hands while the others are making out in the corner of the club.

I went to the stall and sat there then I asked for three bottles of an alcoholic beverage. I don't know why I want to be drunk now. Actually, I really don't drink that much and as I know this is my second time.

People just kept partying with the upbeat music and most of them are drunk now. I watched them while I'm drinking the alcoholic beverages I've ordered and I just noticed it's already my third bottle.

I started to get dizzy but I still asked for another three bottles. As I took another shot, I saw a familiar figure in the crowd. I shook my head to make sure that I'm not dreaming. I looked at again the familiar figure I've seen in the crowd and now he's coming to my direction.

Oh! Why is he here? It's been awhile.

My friends here in LA and I went to a club to celebrate one of my friend's birthday. I didn't notice that we've been partying for an hour. Since I'm tired for now, I decided to go to the stall to rest for awhile and to have a drink, but not alcohol.


But before I could make my way to the stall, I saw a familiar figure and he's crying while drinking. I walked closer to him and stared at his face. I just realized it is Jeonghan.

He suddenly stopped drinking when he saw me. I saw how swollen his eyes are from crying. What the hell just happened?! Did something bad happen between him and Miyoung?

I sat beside him and took away the glass he's holding and asked loudly, "What happened, Jeonghan? Why are you crying? Stop drinking, will you? You're drunk now."

"Hey... Give that back to me." Jeonghan whined as he tried to take the glass from me.

"Stop, Jeonghan! Please tell me what happened." The music is too loud so I yelled.

"You can't help me! Just give that glass back to me." He still didn't tell me what happened. So stubborn.

I put the glass away from him. When I face him, I just noticed that he already finished four bottles. I sighed and told him, "Jeonghan, please tell me what happened. You don't have to get drunk when you have a problem, you know?"

Jeonghan just ignored my question and looked at me with his swollen eyes. "Don't you just look at me!" I said and rolled my eyes.

He ignored me again and grabbed another bottle of the alcoholic beverage. Before he could drink it, I took it away from him.

"GO AWAY, JISOO!" He yelled. "I'M HERE TO HAVE SOME TIME ALONE!" He burst into tears.

"Jeonghan, please tell me what happened so that I would know what your problems are." I said to him calmly but still can hear through the loud music.

"My parents... want me to break up with Miyoung and..."

I heard it right, didn't I? This is impossible. His parents were so supportive of his relationship with Miyoung.

"WHAT?! WHY?! And then?"

"And they want me to... get married with... Mingyu's sister."

"You mean, arrange marriage?" He just nodded sadly.

"What happened to your parents? They were supportive of your relationship with Miyoung, weren't they?"

"I don't know either. Maybe because of their fucking job..." He shrugged. "They don't want to tell me."

"Jeonghan, don't give up no matter what happen. Fight for it!" I said as I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Mhmm..." He responded, looking down on the floor. He must be really drunk.

"Jeonghan, I'll take you home. You're drunk!"

"No! I'm going to stay here!" He pushed my hands away.

"You can't."

"I don't want... to see... my parents!" He said between his hiccups.

"Then I'll take you to my home." I said. He didn't say anything. "Stay here. I'll just go to my friends and tell them that I'll go home first." I told him before I went to my friends.

After I told my friends, I went back to Jeonghan but he is not there on his place earlier anymore. Maybe he went to the toilet room.

I quickly went to the toilet room and checked each cubicle but no sign for Jeonghan. Where did that guy go?! He can't go by himself in his state now. He's freaking drunk.

I went outside the club and saw Jeonghan's car just drove away. I quickly hopped in my car and followed Jeonghan's car. He's freaking drunk! He should not drive.

While I'm driving, I saw him made his way to the right so I made my way to the right too. He's driving too fast. I might lose him.

I kept driving until I noticed that Jeonghan's car is not in my front anymore. That crazy guy! Something bad might happen to him.

I kept driving while looking around for Jeonghan's car. I looked at the time now—it is 12:17AM.

I still didn't give up and looked for him. After a few moments, I finally found his car but it is crashed into a tree and a truck hit the driver's seat side.

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