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Miyoung woke up early because she needs to go to school. Her older brother, Jeon Wonwoo, went to school first because he is the president of their class and he is in charge in listing the names of the students who come late at school.

Before Miyoung left the house, she sent a message to Jeonghan.

Han! I'm going to school now. :) You're not replying on my messages since three days ago. Please reply to my messages. ㅜㅡㅜ I really miss you so much. (╥﹏╥)

When she arrived at her school, she went to her classroom and sat on her respective seat then she gets her phone to see if Jeonghan replied but there's still no reply.

Miyoung sighed and just kept her phone inside her bag. She cupped her face and mumbled, "Jeonghan-ah... When will you come back? It's been ten years."

"Ya! Jeon Miyoung! You keep saying that 'Jeonghan' name. Who is he? Is he your boyfriend? You missed him because you're in a long distance relationship with him, aren't you?" Kwon Soonyoung, who sits infront of her, asked as he turned around to face Miyoung.

"He's not my boyfriend, Soonyoung! He's my one and only bestfriend since I was young. I haven't seen him for 10 years that's why I miss him so much. Do you think he will come back here in Korea?" Miyoung asked as she looked at Soonyoung.

"It seems he's very important to you. Well, uhm... Don't worry too much. Trust me, he will come back for you!" Soonyoung smiled then he turned around to continue what he was doing. Miyoung just sighed and got her phone again from her bag to see if Jeonghan had replied to her message and yes, there is a reply.

Miyoung quickly opened the message and read it.

Hi Miyoung! Sorry for not replying on your messages for the past three days. I was kind of busy preparing for something. ^ω^ Don't worry too much about me. I'm always doing well. ♡

"Omona! He finally replied." Miyoung thought happily and giggled.

Miyoung replied to Jeonghan's message.

What are you preparing for? When will you come back? I miss you so much. (╥╯﹏╰╥)

After a few minutes, Jeonghan replied.

Secret. I'll be there very soon! Just wait a little bit. (~_^)

Miyoung replied: Very soon?! When is that 'very soon'? I've been waiting for you for 10 years! I'm sick of waiting, Jeonghan. ︶︿︶

After Miyoung sent that message to Jeonghan, she didn't receive any replies from him.

"He didn't get mad, did he?" Miyoung mumbled.

Miyoung was about to send a message to Jeonghan again but their first subject teacher came inside their classroom, so she just kept her phone inside her bag and put out her book, notebook, and pen.

Break time came. Miyoung took her phone out again to see if Jeonghan replied but there's no reply. Her seatmate, Chwe Hansol also known as Vernon, suddenly approached her.

"Hey Miyoung! Let's eat snacks together." Hansol said as he put his arm above Miyoung's shoulders.


After having their snacks, they prepared for their next subject which is Mathematics. It is Miyoung's hatest subject but she's still working hard for it because she doesn't want to have fail grades.

On the way home, Miyoung walked to her home with her brother, Wonwoo. Wonwoo noticed that Miyoung is so quiet, so he asked her.

"Miyoung-ah, is there something bothering you? You're so quiet and look so down."

"Nothing... I just really miss someone." Miyoung answered, not looking at her brother.

Wonwoo sighed and said, "You're thinking about Jeonghan again, aren't you?" Miyoung just nodded.

"Aigoo, Miyoung! Stop thinking about him. He'll be back soon. Very soon!"

"When, Wonwoo? When is that 'very soon'? I've been waiting for him. It's been ten years and he's still not going back here." Miyoung groaned.

"Hmm... Maybe on your 18th birthday." Wonwoo smirked as he looked at his younger sister. Miyoung looked at her with a confused face.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Wonwoo asked and chuckled.

Miyoung sighed and said, "Just shut up. That's impossible!"

"What if that is Jeonghan's gift for your 18th birthday?" Wonwoo asked playfully.

"Stop joking around. I'm serious!" Miyoung said annoyingly as she punched her brother's arm lightly.

"I'm not joking around. I'm just giving you a hint!" Wonwoo said seriously and smirked.


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