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Miyoung was stunned at her place. She couldn't move and her eyes were still glued on the new student's face. His face is still the same as when Miyoung last saw him but more handsome and he is now taller than Miyoung. The new student smiled at her and said, "It's been a long time, Mimi."

"He called me Mimi." Miyoung thought to herself and smiled. She really missed hearing her nickname made by this guy who is standing infront of the class.

"Mr. Yoon, please introduce yourself to the class." Teacher Song interrupted. Miyoung was still stunned on her place, looking at her friend who she hasn't seen for a long time.

"Hello everyone! My name is Yoon Jeonghan. Please treat me well and nice to meet you all." He greeted politely and bowed after introducing himself. Girls were still giggling with each other.

"Omo! It's him, isn't he? Miyoung's friend? The guy that she has been talking about to us." Soonyoung asked as he turned around to face Vernon.

Vernon shrugged and said, "Maybe he is."

"Nice to meet you, too, Yoon Jeonghan. Welcome to SeungRi High School!" Teacher Song said.

"Thank you, Teacher Song." Jeonghan smiled.

"Okay. Now, I am going to assign your seat-"

Teacher Song's words got cut off by the girls who suddenly shouted, telling that they want to sit Jeonghan beside them.

"Sorry girls, Jeonghan said that he wants to sit beside his special someone." Teacher Song said which made the girls groaned.

"Special someone?! He's in a relationship, isn't he?" Some girl asked and pouted.

When Miyoung heard that, she suddenly picked up the papers from the floor and distributed it to her classmates, trying to ignore everything even though Teacher Song haven't said anything that she needs to distribute the papers now.

"Uhm. I don't know. You better ask him, not me." Teacher Song said and Jeonghan smiled lightly.

"So, Mr. Chwe, please transfer beside Mr. Hong. That's your new seat." She said as she clasped her fingers. Vernon stood up and transferred beside Joshua. "Now, Mr. Yoon, I accepted you request. Your seat is beside Jeon Miyoung."

"Thank you." Jeonghan bowed and then went to his seat.

After Miyoung distributed the papers to her classmates, she went to her seat and sat down. She really wants to hug Jeonghan right now because she really missed this guy so much but she tried to control herself to ignore Jeonghan for awhile. She doesn't know why, maybe because she still can't believe that Jeonghan is really back and sitting beside her.

Lunch time came. Most girls were asking Jeonghan to eat lunch with them but he rejected them, while the other girls were giving Miyoung a death glare. She just ignored them.

"Jeon Miyoung! Is he the Yoon Jeonghan guy that you've been talking about to us?" Soonyoung, who popped out from nowhere, asked.

"Yeah." Miyoung smiply answered.

"Ooh. Nice to meet you, Jeonghan-ssi! My name is Kwon Soonyoung." Soonyoung introduced himself as he reached his hand to Jeonghan for a shake hand.

"Nice to meet you, too, Soonyoung." Jeonghan said and shook hands with Soonyoung.

"Your friend, Miyoung, is really nice and she must be happy now because you came back after years. She always talked about you because she mis-"

"It's okay now, Soonyoung. You may go out now and eat lunch with Jihoon or Seokmin." Miyoung suddenly cut Soonyoung's words off, covering his mouth with her hands. Soonyoung chuckled before he left the room.

Few students left inside the room, including Jeonghan and Miyoung. Joshua told Jeonghan that he'll eat his lunch with Vernon at the cafeteria, leaving the two inside the classroom with the other students.

There was a moment of silence.

Miyoung can't take it anymore so she faced Jeonghan and stared at her friend's eyes. Jeonghan stared back and looked at Miyoung with a confused face. "Isn't she happy to see me?" He thought.

"Why you didn't tell me earlier?!" Miyoung yelled as she threw punches at Jeonghan's chest which made Jeonghan startled. "I hate you! You should have told me!" She cried, still throwing punches at Jeonghan.

"I told you, Mimi. You just don't want to believe me. And by the way, stop punching me. I am not a punching bag." Jeonghan said as he tried to hold Miyoung's hand to stop her from punching him.

Miyoung didn't say anything and just suddenly pulled Jeonghan into a tight hug. She felt Jeonghan hugged her back.

"I-I missed y-you..." Miyoung said with a shaky voice. Tears started to fall on her cheeks.

"Miyoung-ah, don't cry. It's your birthday today and you should be happy. This is my gift, I came back here for you." Jeonghan said, comforting Miyoung.

"Of course, I am happy. Idiot!" Miyoung chuckled and sniffed.

"Stop crying. I am here now." Jeonghan said and smiled as he released the hug. He cupped Miyoung's face and wiped the tears on her cheeks with his thumb.

"Happy birthday, Miyoung. I missed you so much!" Miyoung just smiled at Jeonghan's words while staring at his face, she still can't believe that her best friend is back.

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