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I'm really bored at home so I decided to go to Miyoung's house without telling her. I just want to surprise her. When I reached their house, I got greeted by her brother and he let me to come inside their house. Wonwoo told me that Miyoung went somewhere but he didn't tell me where and who's with her. He's too lazy to answer. After he told me that Miyoung went somewhere, he went back inside his bedroom.

I sat on one of the sofas in their living room as I looked around the house. Their parents are out somewhere too. Maybe Miyoung is with them. But I still sent her a message and asked where she is and told her that I'm here at their house. I didn't get any replies from her. She must be busy doing something.

I received a message from Joshua this morning. He wants to go out with me because he's bored but I just ignored his message. I'm just too lazy to reply him.

After a few moments, I saw Wonwoo went out from his bedroom and went to the living room. He told me that he is going out with Mingyu. Before he could leave, I asked him.

"Is Miyoung with your parents?"

"No. Our parents went out somewhere for business and Miyoung went somewhere where she could have fun." He answered as he wore his specs.

"Okay. But do you have any idea where Miyoung is?"

"Uhhh... No." He shrugged.

"Fine then. I'll just wait her here."

Wonwoo left the house, so I am now home alone. Home alone at the Jeon family's house. Even though I am not part of their family, they can leave me here alone. They do trust me so much.

I got really bored so I sent a message to Miyoung again but she isn't really replying. I kept sending again and again and still no replies from her. I got really worried. Is she okay? Where is she?

I decided to take a nap after flooding Miyoung some texts. It was really boring because I am all alone in their house.

I woke up when I heard the door opened. I sat up and saw Mr. and Mrs. Jeon arrived. I stood up and greeted them politely. I also asked them if they know where Miyoung is but they don't know too and said that they only know that Wonwoo is the only one who went out because he told them.

And so, we got really worried. Miyoung's parents tried to contact Miyoung for a few times and I also did but she isn't still answering. What the hell really happened to her?

After calling Miyoung for many times, Mrs. Jeon stopped and asked me to help her in cooking the dinner, so I did. Before I went to the kitchen, I sent Miyoung a message.

Miyoung-ah, I hope you're okay. Your mom and I are already making dinner so that when you get home we'll be eating dinner already.

I hope she's really fine and nothing bad happened to her.

Around 6 in the evening, I heard a car stopped in front of the house then I went to the living room and looked out the window and saw Miyoung and Joshua talking to each other.

"So, she's just with Joshua the whole day?!" I thought.

I rolled my eyes seeing Miyoung with Joshua. I can feel that Joshua likes Miyoung, obviously. I think Wonwoo knows that Miyoung went out with Joshua, he just didn't tell me because he knows I'll get jealous and might follow the two. Yes, I like Miyoung so much and only Wonwoo knows about it.

I just kept watching them until I saw Joshua suddenly grabbed Miyoung by wrist which it made Miyoung look at him again. Joshua said something but I cannot hear of course, I'm inside the house.

I kept sending death glares to Joshua. I don't care if he'll see me here looking at them through the window.

Then, I saw Joshua leaned and pulled Miyoung in to a kiss. Is this real? Joshua kissed Miyoung? On the lips? Seriously? Why the fuck did he do that? I clenched my fist and my blood started to boil in anger. I really want to go out and send Joshua some hard punches but I won't do that because he's still my friend but he still need to pay for that.

When Miyoung went inside the house, she got flooded some questions by her parents. Miyoung told her parents that she just hung out with Joshua and she missed their calls because her phone was in silent mode, of course I heard all of that. She then looked at me, sitting on one of their sofas in their living room. I looked at her like I wanted to kill someone while my arms crossed on my chest.

"Look, Jeonghan. I'm sorry because I didn't get to reply on you messages, my phone was on silent and I—"

"I'll talk to you later." I said with a mad tone, cutting Miyoung's sentence off and then I went back to the kitchen. I cannot face her for now.

While eating dinner, Mrs. Jeon kept asking Miyoung about all what happened to Miyoung's hang out with Joshua. Miyoung just answer and answer her mom's question while I, who's eating quietly beside her, am not even looking at anywhere. My attention is only at my food.

"Miyoung-ah, do you mind if I ask something?" I saw on my peripheral view that Miyoung just nodded at her mother's question. "Do you like Joshua?"

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