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I was having my lunch in my office when my phone notified me that I have a message. I took my phone and unlocked it to see the message. It is from Joshua.

My eyes widened when I read that Jeonghan got into a car accident and he got injured his left leg and head. Thank God, Joshua said he's fine now. I hope he'll wake up soon.

What exactly happened? Why did he get into a car accident?

I just sent a message to Joshua and asked what happened to my fiancé. After a few moments, I received a reply from him. He said that Jeonghan was drunk and was driving too fast that's why he got into an accident.

I wonder why Jeonghan got drunk. I know he doesn't drink alcohol often. I hope he's not depressed.

I asked Joshua if he could explain to me what exactly happened to my fiancé. He said he'll just call me later and tell me everything.

After I ate my lunch, I went to my parents and told them what happened to Jeonghan. They sighed in relief when I told him nothing really serious happened to Jeonghan. We hope he'll wake up soon.

I really miss him so much. I miss going out with him, cuddling with him, and everything. I miss everything about him. I hope when he wakes up, he'll come back as soon as possible.

At night, Joshua called me again to tell me everything about what happened to Jeonghan. My heart felt pain when Joshua told me that Jeonghan's parents want their son to get married Mingyu's sister. What happened to them? They were so supportive of our relationship before.

I didn't cry though because I know Jeonghan won't let that happen and he loves me so much. I just hope that Jeonghan's parents will stop this arrange marriage thing.


Four days already had passed, Jeonghan still hasn't woken up. The Kim family came to visit Jeonghan and hopes that he'll wake up very soon. Joshua stayed at the hospital for four days and he's not going out of the room. He'll just go out to eat, to go home to eat with his family, and will immediately go back to the hospital.

Joshua sat on the chair beside the bed while reading a book while the Yoon parents are on the sofa near the window.

When Joshua got bored of reading, he kept the book inside his bag and face Jeonghan. "Wake up, Jeonghan. Miyoung is very worried about you." He mumbled.

Joshua's phone then rang. Someone is calling him. He took it from his pocket and looked at the caller ID.

Incoming call...
아름다운 미영
(Beautiful Miyoung)

"Hello Miyoung. Why did you call?"

"Hi Josh. How's Jeonghan's condition?"

"Sadly, he's still not awake." He sighed.

"Is that so? I hope he will wake up later. I miss him so much."

"Let's just pray. Everything will work through prayers."

"Sure. Just call me back if something happens to my fiancé, okay?"

"Sure. Bye Miyoung."

Call ended.

Joshua looked at the time on his phone—12:42PM. He stood up from the chair and decided to eat his lunch. He asked Jeonghan's parents if they want to join him but they said they'll eat later.

Before Joshua could leave the room, he heard someone mumbled Miyoung's name. He thought he was just dreaming so he shrugged it off but it repeated. He heard again that someone just called for Miyoung so he turned around and looked at Jeonghan.

Joshua and the Yoon parents quickly went to Jeonghan's side and saw that Jeonghan is already awake. Mr. Yoon immediately called a doctor.

When the doctor came in, he asked Jeonghan how he feels. Jeonghan said that his head aches and he can't remember what exactly happened to him.

Joshua told the doctor that he'll just tell everything to Jeonghan about what happened to him. The doctor let him be but before the doctor left the room, he said that Jeonghan can be discharged from the hospital after three days but still it depends on his condition.

They still need to check up everything on Jeonghan and if everything will turn out good, he could leave the hospital early. The Yoon parents and Joshua thanked the doctor before he left.

I got woken up when I heard someone's talking and he mentioned my fiancée's name. I just realized it's Joshua's voice. I wonder what they're talking about.

My head aches and I suddenly thought what happened to me. Why am I here? I can't remember. Miyoung's face suddenly appeared in my mind which it made me mumble her name, "Miyoung-ah..."

I opened my eyes and saw Joshua in front of the door, I think he's leaving. I looked around the room and saw my parents on the sofa near the window. I also looked for Miyoung but she's nowhere to be seen. "Miyoung-ah..." I mumbled once again.

Joshua and my parents ran to my side.

"You're finally awake." Joshua said. Then my father went out to call for a doctor.

The doctor asked me how do I feel then I told him all what I feel. He said they still need to do some checkups but I can be discharged from the hospital after three days. It still depends on my condition on the next day.

When the doctor left, I started to ask my parents and Joshua some questions about what happened to me and why I am here.

"Jeonghan, you got into a car accident because you're drunk. I was at the club then I saw you there, drinking alone. You left alone and drove away. A truck hit your car and you hit a tree. According to the driver of the truck, you were going too fast and going on the wrong way. That's the reason why you're here." Joshua explained. I really can't remember why I was at the club and getting myself drunk.

"Uhh, do you have any idea why I went to the club?" I asked curiously.

"You told me that you went there to get drunk because of the arrange marriage thing."

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