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"HENRY!", I love calling him that, because I am his Queen after all. I'm Queen Maria Antoinette Grace Blackburn of the Kingdom of Ravenswood and my husband, King James Arthur Henry Blackburn rules beside me. We have two beautiful, but extremely devious, daughters, Lizetta and Amelia.

"Henry, our guests will be arriving any minute. Could you kindly make your way down here, please?", I said as I descended down the staircase as graceful as ever.

"Coming, my love", he announced as he joined my side. At that moment, our guests arrived. Prince Ethan Andrew Michael Slater of Kingdom Eleria and Tate Griffin, his best friend.

"Ah, do come in Ethan and Tate.", Henry greeted both the boys as they bowed in respect. They both possessed a great maturity for their ages, Tate being 19 and Ethan 18. "It's great to have you here", I nodded at them as they bowed once again.

Once they were settled in, we all met for lunch out in the garden. Henry took the opportunity of breaking the silence, "How are your parents doing recently?" Ethan smiled and was about to reply when, as if on queue, the royal assistant appeared within view with that same look again. I knew this episode all too well, "What have they done now?"

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