Chapter Four - Round 2

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Lizetta's POV

Sleep deprivation and a royal scolding does not go well together. This lecture lasted for what seemed like forever, and unfortunate Amelia had to sit through it all. I didn't have much chance to compose myself let alone defend myself, her voice boomed in my ears and throughout the palace, I assumed, "Do you know how worried I was, young lady? I am embarrassed and ashamed to call you a princess, let alone call you my daughter! I did not raise you to have such horrid manners! I thought maybe the responsibility of a wedding might sober you up, but this just made it worse! What am I to do with you, Lizetta?" She broke down in tears and sank to the floor near our bed. Amelia and I ran to her side, but she rejected me and would allow only Amelia and her personal servants to attend to her. I retreated to the bathroom, where I normally do in order to make fast escapes from public. I lowered myself to the floor and wept silently. I fell into a heavy sleep and dreamt of overly tall walls, a hooded figure chasing me, a wedding dress waiting to capture me at every turn, and my mother constantly screaming at me from a place I couldn't see in what seemed like a maze of horrors.

Waking up from that dream was a nightmare in itself, the entire palace was silent. Nobody dared to utter a word about what had happened earlier. I had requested to see mother, but I was denied access again and again. Frustrated by mother's stubbornness and my own stupid mistakes, I grab supplies and head back to my not-so-secret spot. The jourey there seemed longer than usual for some reason and I found myself drifting away from the path and getting lost in the dense shrubbery. "Wonderful...", I muttered under my breath as I began looking around for the right path. I walked back from where I thought I came back from, and being the clumsy idiot I am, I dropped a few things. It took so much effort to just pick those few chocolate bars up, walking took a larger toll on me than usual and even breathing seemed to be tiring me out. This constant feeling of being breathless and tired wracked my body. What was this feeling that would not let me live? My inner battle was interrupted when something crashed into me at a high speed. We rolled on the ground through the shrubs, ferns, roses and finally came to stop when we slammed into a tee trunk. The last thing I saw was an unconscious Tate beside me before passing out on top of him.

I woke up some time in the middle of the night, aching all over. I was still in the garden, but not where I passed out. I was at the edge of the grounds, my secret place. "How did I get here?", I asked myself but the answer came from someone else, "I tripped, crashed into you, we rolled down the bank into a tree, I came to first and carried you here." Tate was sitting was a distance away from me and watching me, dry blood on his face and hands. I tried to sit up, but stopped mid-way, the pain too great. Tate rushed to my side unusually fast and helped me lie back down, "Yeah, that's a terrible idea. Try to keep still, we're gonna be here a while." I did as he said and lay back down. I looked up at him, confused, "What are you doing here?" My voice was rough and my throat dry, I ended up coughing up most of the sentence. He just smiled at me again,"Taking care of you, what does it look like I'm doing?" I raised my eyebrow at him and he chuckled and spoke again, "Fine. Fine. I was looking for you when your sister said you went missing again. I knew you'd come here, and in my rush I tripped and fell on you... you know the rest." I nodded and looked away, managing to croak a few words, "Thank you." He chuckled and leaned back and stared up at the sky, "Get some rest, we gotta drag ourselves back tomorrow and face everyone again." He yawned and went to sleep, I couldn't sleep though. His words resounded in my head, "Mother...Amelia..." Just saying their names caused tears to stream down my eyes, how was I going to fix this mess that I've dragged everyone into? My eyes drifted to Tate sleeping soundly, even people who could've been good friends are being hurt. I drift back into darkness with the thought that I messed up again lingering in my mind.

Amelia's POV

After Lizetta ran off, I secretly slipped Ethan a note to meet me in the library.

I had been waiting for what seems forever, my blood began to pump faster and my hands began to sweat

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I had been waiting for what seems forever, my blood began to pump faster and my hands began to sweat. I hated whenever this happened, and it only did when I was extremely nervous or afraid.

Finally Prince Ethan arrived and I quickly pulled him into one of the aisles so we were out of sight and out of ear's reach. He's eyes locked on mine immediately and he smirked, "Slow down there Princess, we dont have to rush things", he joked.

I rolled my eyes at him, " I didn't call you here to play house Ethan. I have something important to tell you." His eyes searched mine and he spoke," okay My Princess, go ahead."  I began to fidget with my fingers has I tried to find the right words to start of with, I took a deep breath in and finally allowed the words to escape my mouth, "I don't think the idea of us being a couple is gonna work out." He began to protest but I simply raised my hand so he wouldn't interrupt my babbling, "Let me finish Ethan."

I sighed before looking at him again, "Look, this isn't about you, nothing is your fault. You're an amazing guy and I know that one day when you're married to my sister, you will make a great King." I wiped a tear away and slowly continue trying to hold myself together, "My mother has worked hard for my sister and I, she had to send us away for what I believe was to keep us safe. She arranged for your marriage to my sister. And that will happen, I've seen the wrath of the Queen on Lizetta and this time it really broke both of them. I can't bear to see my sister hurting and under so much stress." I turned away this time, " You have to go through with it Ethan, it's your duty as a Prince. And as royals, sometimes we have to make sacrifices to better our kingdom, even if it kills us inside." I walked over to the railing, " Honestly Ethan, this is hard. But it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for my sister and the kingdom."

Everything was quiet, I had expected him to be upset, but he was the complete opposite. He understood where I was coming from. He joined me at the railing and sighs, " Amelia, how can I marry someone I do not love?  How do you expect me to live a life with your sister while I'm in love with you?" he turned me to face him and placed both his hands on my waists and pulled me closer to him. My pulse quickened at the touch of his hands and the closeness between us. A whisper is only what I could hold at this moment, "Wha-...what are you doing?". He looked into my eyes and I noticed that they were softer than before, "Amelia, I will fight for what's mine if I have to" and in that moment, he leaned forward and place his lips on mine, I felt as if I was floating on air. I felt the tingles in my tummy and fireworks all around. I matched his movements and we got lost in the moment when I heard footsteps coming our way, I immediately pulled back. " I have to go before we get caught. I'll see you later or tomorrow."
And with that I left. I had only one question on my mind, "What happens now?"

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