Chapter Twenty Four - Revelations: Part Two

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Author's Note: This chapter contains some vulgar language.

*Lizetta's P.O.V*

Her hands were shaking and sweaty, Lizetta could not sit still. She had the urge to pace up and down the cabin of the plane, but the awful weather kept her in her seat and kept her anxiety high. They couldn't land because of the storm, and Lizetta was eager to get on the ground. On the other end of the plane, Tate sat quietly, and she didn't bother to check up on him. They weren't on the best terms at that point in time.

One of the most beautiful moments in her life hard turned into the worst. Lia had called her, and she was out of breath and panicking. Ethan was after her, and she was hiding from him. The call ended abruptly, and all the attempts that Lizetta made to call Lia back were futile. She was gone. Lizetta then decided to not tell Tate anything about what had happened. She brushed off his questions with lies as they went back to the hotel to get their stuff. He only needed to know that she needed to get home as soon as possible because she couldn't have him alerting Ethan in any way, even though he had probably already done it.

She opened the door to her room, and that was when she saw it on her bed. She saw an envelope with her family's seal on it. "Hey, what's that?" Tate asked. Lizetta quickly brushed him aside and picked it up. She tore open the envelope, and she hoped it was from Lia. She hoped that her sister somehow got away and was safe enough to send her a letter. Lizetta's heart sank as she progressed through the letter's content. She was sure she failed the instructions on the letter since Tate kept asking her what was wrong. Lizetta had sat on the bed and stared into space as she tried to wrap her head around everything that was going on. "Liz, speak to me. Let me see the letter at least," as soon as he put his hand on her knee, she exploded. "You fucking asshole!" she screamed. Tate stumbled backward, tripping over his own feet. "What? I was just trying to help you!" he shouted back, "You won't even tell me what's going on, and now you're swearing me? What the fuck, Liz?". Tate had eventually found his feet again and stood up, and he then faced a red-eyed and furious Lizetta. "Don't you give me that crap! It's all here, Tate" she said as she waved the letter around, "I don't care whether you know that I'm onto yours Ethan's little plan, because I will not let you get away with it." Lizetta was shaking with anger at that point, and Tate didn't say anything. "Well? Where is she, Tate?" she asked him. "Where is who?" he tried to ask, but Lizetta punched him in the nose, and Tate stumbled backwards again from the shock as he felt liquid drip down to his lip. Lizetta then quickly retreated and got hold of the fire poker and aimed it at him, "Where the fuck is my sister, Tate? Where did Ethan take her?" Lizetta was panting and looked like a crazed animal. Tate just stood there and stared at her, "Lizetta. I don't know what you're talking about." Lizetta marched up to him and slammed the letter on his chest, "There! Then pretend you don't know, you fraud" before she could retreat to a safe distance, Tate had caught her wrist, "I am not a fraud" he looked deep into her eyes, but she wasn't having it, and she couldn't punch him again since her hand was still sore from the nose shot. She tried to keep her composure even though her heart started racing with fear. Tate eventually let her go, and he sat on the bed to read the letter.

He looked up after a while, and he looked as distraught as she felt. "The phone call you got earlier was from Amelia, wasn't it?" he asked, and Lizetta nodded. "Ethan got to her. She was hiding in the bathroom at the lodge," Lizetta sighed and brandished the fire poker once more and pointed it at Tate. "Tell me where she is, you can't possibly pretend after reading that," she said. Tate looked at her, "Exactly. I'm not pretending." He looked down at his hands, "I had no idea any of this was going on." Lizetta, weary of him, did not get any closer. She instead threw the fire poker aside and then bolted for the door and ran out of the room. Tate immediately gave chase. Lizetta slowed down to let him catch up with her since she just needed to be seen in public with him. Staying in that room with him was too risky, no matter how sincere he seemed. She finally made it outside with Tate screaming her name and running after her. They were both breathless. "I promise. I'm not part of the plan." He said, still trying to catch his breath. "Falling for you was never part of any plan I had for myself" he collapsed to his knees and looked up at her, "Please let me help you get your sister back and then you never have to see my face again" Lizetta looked down at him for what seemed to be an eternity before extending her hand towards him, "As long as I never have to see your face again."

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