Chapter 1: The Apocalypse

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I was broken.

As broken as a glass that had fallen from a top shelf, only to crash to the concrete ground in a million tiny glistening pieces. I would probably never be fixed and I had come to accept that as my fate.

I sighed and gently brushed my black hair out of my green eyes, looking out of the slightly foggy window at the passing trees. I had been rushed out of bed early hours that morning to pack necessary items for an evacuation.

Inside my basic suitcase was a few items of my favourite clothing, a photo of my family and friends, toiletries and my phone in case of emergency. I also had money but I then assumed on the journey that the notes in my pocket wouldn't be that useful anymore.

My parent's anxious faces came into mind as I looked at the driver of the car. Before I'd left, they'd hugged and kissed me, desperately telling me everything would be okay even though I knew they didn't even believe that themselves.

It was the last memory I had of them as I was loaded into a car with my bag, my mother wailing into my father's chest. That's when one of the infected neighbours trundled over to them, baring his ugly yellow teeth in their faces with blood covering his clothes as he bit a chunk straight out of my mother's shoulder.

My eyes widened in shock and I found myself too weak to even cry out.

Father tried to pull her from the man's grip but it was too late. Another came from the side and grabbed hold of him, pulling him to the cold ground as it ripped into his arm. Both my parents were screaming in agony, calling for help. No one came.

"No..." I whispered, holding the love heart locket that I'd been given with absolute devastation in my heart.

That was the last I ever saw of my parents.

Before the day this happened, I was already ruined. I was numb to feeling anything it seemed, and I walked through life with an expressionless look upon my face. I mean, if no one can get close enough to me to see who I really am on the inside, no one can hurt me, right?

I'd admit, I was hurting a lot. No one would ever know but I was. I was isolated from everything, like I was drowning in an ocean of despair and loneliness, choking on the dark water that held me in its cruel grasp.

I sighed miserably and rested my chin on my hand, intently looking at the scenery with my once bright eyes.

"Miss Amai?" Called the driver from the front.

I looked up to see him looking at me worriedly through the mirror.

"You may call me Haruka. What is it?" I answered with my same bored tone as usual.

"We're here. I must leave you now," he said. "I need to get back to my family."

The man opened the door and climbed out, letting me out of the car also. I stood next to the car, watching him as he placed my bag in front of me.

"I never got to know you that well Haruka." He told me, a sad look in his aged eyes. "Your parents were good people and they knew the best place for you was here. But if it isn't, I'm sure you will find me."

He awkwardly patted me on the back before leaving me at the gravelled path with my suitcase. I stared as he drove away, hoping I wouldn't have to be so desperate as to live with him.

I was standing on a path in front of a huge brick wall with an iron gate. There was a wooden sign on the wall saying "Imari Residence. Welcome."

I scanned my surroundings for a second, seeing only the beauty of the countryside. I sighed once again and walked in, leaning sideways a little as it was difficult to carry my suitcase considering my height.

Once inside the gate, I turned and carefully closed it behind me, making sure it was definitely locked from the inside so nothing could get in. I looked up and saw a beautiful mansion, decorated with gorgeous bright flowers in the gardens and plant pots. Everything seemed new and definitely expensive there.

In awe, I wandered around aimlessly, checking out the garden before walking to the door. I then remembered I was only in a pair of shorts and a light blue hoodie with converse on. I blushed furiously at the thought of meeting these obviously rich people in my attire.

The door was unlocked and I knocked many times before deciding to just go inside. I was going to live there anyway so it didn't matter that much.

"Hello? I'm Haruka, I got sent here to stay here for a while." I called out to no one in particular.

My own voice made me cringe. These people might not even like me as I've just barged into their home.

"Hello." Greeted a deep voice from behind me.

I jumped out of my own skin and pivoted around on my feet to see a tall light haired boy with warm hazel eyes smiling at me.

"So you were the one we got an emergency phone call about." He said knowingly. I nodded at him shyly.

"I'm Akio Imari, the eldest son of my parents."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Haruka. And where are your parents, if I may ask?" I returned his smile.

"I'm afraid they are no longer here... They sadly passed away very recently, we are all still very shaken by their deaths." His expression turned dismal and he dropped his sad gaze to the floor.

"What's going on in here, Akio?" Interrupted another voice from the doorway.

"Ah, Kaito. You're just in time to meet our new household member."

Akio stepped aside to let the two of us see each other. A boy was leaning against the doorway idly and he turned his head to stare at me with solemn grey eyes.

"Haruka, this is Kaito. Kaito, this is Haruka." Said Akio again.

I put on one of my best fake smiles and gave a small wave. He stared, looking like he didn't exactly know what to do.

"Uh, Kaito's a bit of a shut in, ya know?" Akio laughed. "His only friends are his scarves!"

Kaito visibly blushed but then hid his face in a scarf around his neck.

"Shut up." He grumbled. "Where's that little brother of ours anyway?"

Just as he said that, another boy walked into the room. This one had dirty blonde wavy hair that covered his also hazel eyes. He appeared to be around fourteen maybe. I noticed his arms were covered, along with his hands.

"Hi." He said bluntly. His eyes were dull and haunting as they bored into mine.

"Okay, you're creeping her out and it's only been ten seconds." Grumbled Kaito, pulling him away.

"And that is Ryo. Our younger brother." Akio explained to me.

"Any more family members I need to meet?" I questioned, making him laugh once again.

"Nope, just the three of us." They all stood together, Akio and Ryo smiling whilst Kaito just stared at me with a look of curiosity on his face. Such different types of personalities in such a small group of people.

"Welcome to our home, Haruka!" He added finally.

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