Chapter 3: Siblings

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After dinner, I helped Akio out in the kitchen again for cleaning up. Out of the three brothers, he seemed the most cheerful and approachable so despite my being anti-social, I decided to stay around him rather than the others.

"So... What's with Kaito?" I asked, drying up a tray.

"Ah, well." Akio smiled sadly. "I guess Kaito's had it rough for a long while. We had a sister once, you know?"

He paused in the middle of scrubbing some forks thoughtfully. His smile faltered a little before he continued.

"Anyway, she was older than us and Kaito idolised her. He always respected her and listened to her every word. Since he was so young he didn't notice how she'd been acting recently."

I knew where this was headed...

"It turns out she'd had depression for a long while and had been abused by a few men over that time. Kaito walked into her room one day to find her body. He was seven at the time and I was nine."

"I'm so sorry for your loss." I told him sadly.

"It's okay. Ten years kinda heals you, ya know?" He brightened up again, humming a tune. "But Haruka, please don't tell Kaito I told you-"

"Too late." Interrupted Kaito, walking through the doorway. His gaze fixed on me a little longer until he gave Akio a small glare and grabbed a bottle of water.

"You forgot to mention brother," he took a sip of the water, "that you never even cared about her in the first place."

They both straightened their stances, eyes fixated on one another with accusing stares.

"You know that's not true."

"Yes, it is. She always mentioned how she wished you'd have a better relationship with her but you never even spoke to her, did you?"

"I was nine years old, Kaito." Akio growled. "It still hurt me when she died."

"I was seven and I still had to see my big sister's dead body on the ground!" Kaito shouted furiously. "I was the one who was most affected by her death since I cared the most!"

"And you think I seriously didn't care about her?! She was my sister too. Grow up and stop being so selfish!" Akio ended the argument and turned away from his brother.

I looked at Kaito. His usually cold eyes now held an emotion in them- sadness. But it was then replaced by anger as he huffed and charged out of the room.

I stepped forward but hesitated.

"Just go." Akio said bitterly.

Without a second thought, I left Akio and went after Kaito. I found his room with no problem to see him sat in a chair, clenching his fist angrily.

"Kaito..." I walked over to him and sat beside him.

"Why are you here, Haruka?" He asked quietly.

"I can see you're still hurting. But that's okay, it's normal to hurt when you love someone." I told him wisely, knowing he was taking it out on Akio.

"I just... Can't move on. All I think about is if I could have saved her-"

"-You couldn't have. You were just a kid Kaito, how were you to know?"

He shook his head and brought his legs up to his chest, hiding his face. We stayed like that in silence for a while. His room was quite dark. The curtains were drawn and no lights were on. He must have liked books too, judging by the bookshelves lining his walls, except the corner where we were sat. His bed was king sized and opposite to us.

His breathing had slowed and I assumed he'd fallen asleep or something. I got up but stopped before leaving and looked back. His position looked uncomfortable and I felt bad for leaving him like that.

I sighed to myself, walking back over to him and picking him up. He wasn't very heavy, almost light to be exact. He didn't stir as I carried him to his bed and put him under the covers. I made sure he would be comfortable by tucking him in for warmth.

He didn't look as angry as he slept, kind of cute I supposed. I then took the scarf off his neck and put it on the bedside table next to him.

"Goodnight Kaito," I ruffled his soft brown hair and exited his room, closing the door gently so I didn't wake him.

Back downstairs, Akio had finished up and was now sat in the living room. I sat down across from him quickly to avoid distracting him from the book he was reading.

I looked around and headed over to the bookshelf, idly looking at all the books that had been previously read.

"Haruka." Said Ryo, who was now standing behind me. "Your room is ready now."

"Thanks. Could you maybe show me where it is?" I smiled nervously.

"Follow." He replied, not returning it.

My room was down the hall from Kaito's but on the other side of the mansion from the other brother's.

Ryo patiently waited outside the room for me as I put all my things in there, which was only my suitcase but it required a lot of organisation to place it where it should all go.

My room was painted the same shade of green as my eyes and had a light carpet. The bed was also king sized with a canopy over it that was like Kaito's but a different colour.

I dumped my suitcase on the bed and unzipped it, pulling out my things. I put my changes of clothes in the wardrobe, the underwear in the chest of drawers but then hesitated. My photos.

The few photos I had were brought with me and held the memories of when I was actually happy. Sighing, I placed them on top of my desk and left the room.

"My room is great. Thanks Ryo."

He nodded and we walked back downstairs where Kaito and Akio were sitting in a comfortable silence. He must have woken up shortly after I'd left then. I sat nearby to Kaito and kept sneaking small glances at him.


Okay so I'm not sure about this chapter. I just don't know what it is about it but I'm not really satisfied with it...
Anyway, Kaito won't really be showing yandere signs at the moment as they've only just met, plus he doesn't really want Haru to think he's psycho just yet XD

I say "really" wayyy too much o.o

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