- Save Kaito Ending -

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Just looking at Kaito's weak body laying there made me want to just save him. I couldn't hurt him. I would never do that to him even if he was dangerous.

Looking at him then though, he was extremely vulnerable. He just waited, expecting the sound of my pistol being fired. Although he was trying to be brave, I could see how terrified and upset he was just by seeing his lip trembling.

I dropped my gun on the ground and kicked it away from me, disgusted that I'd ever thought of hurting him. He didn't even notice what I'd done until I ran over to him and crouched beside him.

He just stared at me in disbelief, confusion written all over him. I quickly hugged him tightly, but didn't hurt him luckily. After a few seconds, he weakly hugged back.

"But why?" He questioned quietly.

"Because I love you too."

That answer seemed to satisfy him as he gave me the brightest smile a dying person could possibly give someone. I then picked him up, trying to make sure it wouldn't hurt him. He was pretty tall but I managed to carry him even though I was a lot smaller.

He had passed out on the way home and I was extremely scared. I thought I'd actually lost him due to blood loss.

I gently placed him on my mattress, laying his arms down at his sides. I knew I couldn't treat him alone so I raced over to town, banging on the gates until they had no choice but to let me in.

"Gina, Ai, Kimi!" I yelled desperately, time going by very fast. If I waited around for too long, Kaito would die.

"Haruka, what's wrong?" All three rushed around the corner, curiosity mixed with concern covering their usually happy faces.

"No time to explain, just follow me. Kaito's hurt really bad, he needs you!"

I was hysterical, leading them to my shed and to the mattress where Kaito was sleeping, paler than ever. They all looked at one another, looking unhappy. It was bad, but I knew they'd helped so many people before.

"Please, you guys," I sobbed, "I'll do anything, just please try."

And they did try. I'd been sent outside while they got to work on saving Kaito's life. Every hour seemed to go by painfully slowly, making me feel even worse. I was an emotional wreck, not being able to stop myself from crying just by thinking of his name.

Finally, many hours later, the three heroes stepped outside, triumphant looks upon their bright faces. My heart filled with hope and I smiled at them gratefully.

"Well, your boyfriend is definitely like you, a fighter for sure." Gina grinned at me, ruffling my hair playfully.

"He lost a lot of blood," informed Ai, reminding me of the blood covering his hands and the ground around him, "but he'll make it."

"Thank you so much. You three are literally heroes! I don't know how to repay you." I hugged them gratefully, wiping my tear stained face.

"One thing we want." Kimi said, emerging from behind them, looking serious for once.


"Keep that boy safe, he's a keeper Haruka. You don't want him dying anytime soon." She replied, laughing.

"Especially before you get married!" Ai chirped in, making everyone laugh.

Eventually, all three left and I was alone with Kaito once more. He was all bandaged up and still fast asleep, resting from all that happened. I was also tired but didn't want to sleep when Kaito was in his poor health.

I sat beside him, admiring his pale face that now had dark circles under the eyes. He still looked perfect to me no matter what. His breathing was steady and relaxed me, knowing he was still alive. At some point, I laid down next to him, my head by his chest. This must have stirred him slightly because I felt his arm go over me, cuddling me into him.

"Haru," he murmured sleepily, "thank you."

I closed my eyes and fell into a blissful deep sleep. It was so comfortable to be in his arms that I never wanted to move again. Sadly though, all good things come to an end and I woke up again in the morning by him shaking me gently.

"Wake up Haru," he said.

"Why? I'm so tired and warm..."

"No, you've been asleep for ages now. It's time for you to wake up." He chuckled lightly.

"Oh fine, grumpy. I'm not a morning person at all," I whined dramatically, causing him to laugh again.

"I'm hungry though!" He answered, giving my those big puppy dog eyes that I couldn't resist.

"Well, I guess I'd better get my wounded soldier some breakfast then." I smiled, watching his eyes light up at the word breakfast.

"Yes please!"

A while later and we were both sat on the bed, casually eating our breakfast that I kindly made for us. He wolfed it all down hungrily and thanked me for the meal.

All I could do was smile since I was so happy with him. Deep down I knew I would never let anything like that happen to him again, especially not because of me.

"I want it to always be like this." He told me as I started cleaning up.

"Like what?"

"You and me. I want us to always be happy together." He smiled thoughtfully as he looked up at the ceiling.

"I agree. I promise I'll never let you get hurt again."

"I can't help it if I'm accident prone!" He argued, acting offended.

"Being stabbed in the stomach is not accident prone." I frowned disapprovingly at him from across the room, shutting him up.

"I guess you have a point there..."

The End

Yeah so I like this ending a lot better than the 'Shoot Kaito' one. I just think Kaito and Haru should stay together which obviously they couldn't be in the other ending :'(

Anyway, thanks for reading this story everyone and I hope you enjoyed reading it!

- Levi

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