Chapter 11: Sora

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That evening, a fire was made in the middle of our camp and most of us survivors sat around it cheerily. There were a few children and it warmed my heart knowing they were safe to be themselves in this environment rather than worry for their lives.

"So, as you can tell we are having a fire out tonight because we have some new members of our group!" Sora announced, his voice reaching all ears. He really did look like a strong leader to these people. "Our new friends are Haruka Amai and  Kaito and Ryo Imari."

People smiled warmly at us and clapped happily. I let out a sigh of relief as I realised everyone was accepting of us. Even Kaito didn't seem so tense.

As I sat down on a log, I watched Sora as he made his way around to each family, checking up on everyone to see if they were okay. He always was a well liked person back at school and in the neighbourhood.


"Is Haru-chan here?" Sora's soft voice asked from our doorstep.

"Of course. She'll be right down."

I could hear the smile in my father's voice as he answered Sora. Everyone sounded like that when he spoke to them. I guess no one could resist his heart melting grin.

I skipped down the stairs, my hair brushed neatly and wearing some new clothes I'd recently bought. He looked up and saw me, his face brightening even more.

"Lets go," I said, leading him outside.

We went to the park together and just talked about anything and everything all at once. I was gently swinging on a tire swing when he suddenly stopped it, seriousness and longing swirling around in those blue eyes of his.

"Haru, I- I wanted to tell you this for a long time," he started, "I like you. A lot. I can never get you out of my mind and I love all the flaws you hate about yourself."

My heart skipped a beat and it felt as though I was walking across a cloud rather than the dull grass beneath us. It reminded me of the time I'd had a football thrown into my stomach by a jock at our school one time. The way his words made me felt made me crave it more and more. The pain in my chest longed to feel more.

"I like you too, Sora," I replied slowly, blinking in disbelief.

He suddenly leant forward and down to my height, placing his soft lips on my own.

"Then would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"

Of course, I instantly agreed as I did have a liking for him for a very long time, I just never showed it because I was scared. Scared of love.

We'd been dating for nearly a year and the word had spread to a lot of people about our relationship. Many people were happy for us, others were jealous. And some so jealous that they were out for sabotage.

I got a phone call quite late one night. I saw Sora's grinning face on the screen and quickly answered, my mood changing to a happier one. But what awaited me shocked me.

"Haruka." His voice was cold but I could tell he was just holding back his real emotions. That was also the first time in a long time that he'd called me by my actual name rather than the cute little Haru he'd always call me.

"What's the matter?" I questioned cautiously, fearing something serious had happened.

And it was something serious. So serious that he ended it with me. Apparently he'd got a call from some people at our school, telling him I'd been cheating on him for the past four months and that I'd only stayed with him for his reputation.

"Sora, you know I'd never-"

"Just stop it, Haruka. I'm so done. We're over okay? It just hurts that my best friend, my girlfriend, would do this to me." His voice cracked at the end and it was getting too much to handle.

My tears broke loose just as the call clicked off. I curled up in a ball, hugging my knees to my chest, telling myself it was just a bad dream. It wasn't. My tears formed a wet patch on my pillow and I woke the next morning still feeling it there, coming to the conclusion that it was reality.

The person that meant the world to me, that I'd spent all my time for years with, was gone. I'd lost him. It hurt even more that he didn't even listen to me when I tried to tell him it wasn't true.

After a couple of days of moping around, I realised with sadness that I could hardly feel my heart beating anymore. I hardly felt alive. He'd hurt me a lot, and those lies hurt him as well.

What hurt the most was when my parents asked what was going on.

"You seem a little down honey. What's wrong? And where's Sora gone? He hasn't been around here in a while..." my mother gave me a concerned look.

It took all the strength I had not to break down in front of them both. I couldn't bear to imagine their disappointed expressions.

"We-... We broke up." I muttered quietly.

"Broke up?" Mother echoed, surprised. "What happened?!"

"Nothing happened, Mother. We ended it, okay?" I replied coldly and ran to my room, locking the door so the only witness to my breakdown would be myself.

That was the start of how I slowly isolated myself from those around me. First, I started to argue with my parents more, hiding away in my room to avoid apologies. I then started to stop replying to my friends concerned messages, even blanking them at school or just spending time alone in the cafeteria.

After a while of this, it just seemed normal and all I felt was anger towards everything, even if I had no reason to be. And that's how I ended up completely alone.



My thoughts must have caused my expression to sour.

I looked up to see Sora looking down at me, puzzled by my stormy face. He sat beside me on the log, still scanning me.

"You always used to pull that face when you were deep in thought about something." He mused, easily reading me like an open book. We did used to be best friends for years.

"I was just thinking," I paused, wondering if I should go on, "about us. What we used to be."

At this, he sighed. He didn't seem angry though.

"I'm sorry, Haru." He said simply. "I caused you so much pain. I found out about the lies a few months afterward but by the I figured it was too late. I thought you'd hate me."

He was wrong. If he'd come back to me after all that, I would have forgiven him for putting me through all that. That's the thing when you love someone. No matter how many times they hurt you, you would always forgive them even if you told yourself it was wrong to do so. I think it's because we're secretly wishing that it would be different and we wouldn't get hurt because we're so blinded by love.

"I would never hate you," I answered, my voice barely above a whisper as I stared into the crackling flames of the fire.

Sorry if the chapters are bad. I usually write quite late at night because I struggle with sleep and I get ideas late so I write them down in my chapters quickly so I won't forget them in the afternoon.
Anyway, thanks for reading ^-^

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