Chapter 14: Goodbye

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For a while, I followed the woman like a lost sheep, my face deathly pale because of what I'd just witnessed. I found myself unable to think straight and shaking in the shock of what was going on around me.

People were dashing around, grabbing their families to leave, calling for help sometimes. We ignored it and hopped into the back of a van. I peered out to see what I could see from where I was sat. But then I realised, Kaito was still in there somewhere. And zombies were approaching.

"Wait, stop!" I yelled, suddenly finding my voice. Some people ignored me, others turned to see what I was shouting about.

"We can't leave Kaito, he's still in there!"

"He can't come with us," Said redhead gently, "he killed that other boy without even hesitating."

"No, he's still my family, I can't just leave him to die here." I gazed over the chaos and caught sight of the familiar dark hair and scarf.

"Kaito!" I called to him over the noise.

Somehow he heard me and he turned to look at me. I then saw Sora behind him, about to attack. I gripped the edge of the van, shouting for him to look out but it was too late. He slammed Kaito in the back with a shovel.

I tried to clamber out to save him but someone pulled me backwards, keeping me close to them. My eyes widened, seeing Kaito turn around, punch him in the face and knock him to the ground.

He then ran towards me desperately as the engine started on our ride. If I didn't do something he wouldn't make it so I did the first thing that came to mind. I reached out my hand for him to grab hold of.

Elegantly, he leapt forwards, missing my hand by a mere centimetre and instead tried to hold onto the van. He failed miserably and fell to the ground, tumbling through the dirt in a small heap.

He stumbled along before standing again, wincing as he put weight on his leg.

"I'll find you somehow Haru! I will do whatever it takes to get you back!" He shouted to me as we drove further and further away from him. In the distance, I could see him fighting off a couple of zombies, seeming to lose energy with every hit.

I wiped the tears away from my eyes as he disappeared out of sight. All that I had left of him was his favourite grey scarf that I'd manage to catch when he fell and it flew away from him. The woman hugged me from the right but I just sat there motionlessly, completely ignoring her.

"I'm sorry," she muttered.

"Sorry?" I repeated, my tone holding no kindness. "It's not me you should be apologising to, it's Kaito. You probably just got him killed back there you know?"

She pursed her lips and looked away, pretending to be interested in something else as she had no reply to give me. What could she have said? Sorry I just probably let your psychopathic friend die, you have my condolences. There was nothing anyone could say that would make the situation any better.

Another hour went by in complete silence. Most of the people here had lost someone and were mourning over their missing relatives. My heart just ached and my eyes stung from trying not to cry.

"We need gas!" Hollered the driver, patting the side of the van as he came round to the back.

The people around me just stared at him blankly, not knowing what to do. I sighed exasperatedly and stepped onto the grass.

"Anyone got any gas?" I asked, looking in the back hopefully.


No one said a word and I groaned internally. At least the redhead had managed to get my bag of necessities as it was at the front of our camper. Baxter was also one of the familiar faces there but had accompanied the driver in the front seat.

"Well, this is where we all go our separate ways then." I stated coldly, putting my bag on my back. Again, they just stared.

"Well?" I urged. "Nothing to say?!"

"Haruka, you're not thinking straight..."

"Yes, I am thinking straight. You guys have no food and no gas. How do you expect to get by?" I glared at her, daring her silently to answer me. When she didn't, I continued. "It's better off this way. You guys should do the same, being together won't work out for you all."

I turned away, about to walk off when I realised Baxter was at my heels.

"You should stay with them, buddy. You're better off without a lousy owner like me."

He barked and wagged his tail, not going back with the group.

"Alright, together then." I shrugged and we both ventured into the woods, ready to face just about anything.

I kept alert, eyeing any sort of place where I could be taken by surprise. By doing so, I felt a little more confident about being alone. I had acted tough in front of that group but really, I was still just a kid trying to survive like everyone else.

Kaito, I miss you. I thought, sitting down against a tree.

There was still a small piece of hope holding on inside my mind somewhere that Kaito could still be alive. That boy could have made it out if he used his brains and willpower. I thought about this for a while, wondering if I'd ever see him again.

I stood up, quick as a bullet when I heard rustling. Apprehensively, I stepped back a few steps, pulling a small pocket knife out of my bag. The woods was eerily quiet, chilling me to the bone so much that I could hear my own shallow breathing, trying to keep my calm.

Yes, I was scared. I was terrified beyond belief. It had dawned on me that I was actually alone and didn't have much defence against anything and could easily be killed in this cruel world.

"Who's there?" I called out, putting on a confident act.

No reply.

Just then, a small robin hopped onto a branch of a tree in front of me. It chirped a quick tune and flew away, soaring through the sky. I let out a huge sigh and dropped my knife, shaking my head as I sat down again.

Baxter lay next to me and huffed, resting his golden head on his paws. I decided to sleep for a while, wishing that I'd wake up to see it was a bad dream even though I already knew it was reality.

So a bunch of stuff happened I guess. At least I kept Baxter alive though because I'm such a lovely author :P

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