Chapter 13: Secrets

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For a second, I stared at him in disbelief, blinking a few times. Then I just shook my head in dismay, dismissing his words with a wave of my hand.

"You're just trying to get me away from Sora." I stated, giving him a hard stare. "Stop making up stories about him."

"Haru, believe me. Just listen to what I have to say-"

"-Ah, there you two are." Interrupted Ryo, sitting in front of us with his breakfast. "Haruka told me what happened last night."

Kaito looked at me out of the corner of his eye with a frustrated sigh.

"I guessed she would," he replied.

"Why did you do it, Kaito? Some of the others told me they also saw what happened as well."

"I got angry." He answered matter of factly, looking at the wall near to us rather than Ryo.

"Oh Kaito, you've got to learn how to control your anger. Poor Haruka has to deal with it all the time and it's not fair."

"I get the point, okay? But, there was something I overheard that got me beaten up." Kaito quickly looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was around.

I instantly knew he was going to start spouting nonsense about Sora again, hoping we'd side with him. I sort of trusted Kaito with my life but I'd known Sora for a lot longer than him. Sora also doesn't have random mood swings.

"So?" Urged Ryo with a bored tone, "what is it?"

"I heard Sora talking to some men about the attack on our mansion." He paused, looking at our faces that didn't seem to believe him. "We all know that wasn't an accident!"

"Kaito," I said softly, "they hit you over the head yesterday. Maybe you should go get a lie down..."

"And now even you don't believe me Haru?" His voice was pained and held betrayal in it that made him seem as vulnerable as a child.

"Come on Kaito," I took his hand, helping him stand with a melancholy look on my pale face.

"No," he declined quietly. "I can't believe you don't trust me."

With that, he ran off too fast for me to chase. I sighed in defeat and leaned against a wall, hoping for his return.


It was Sora, standing in front of me with a forlorn expression. I knew something was wrong.

"Mind coming with me?"

I nodded and he lead me to his room, which was also used as his office, closing the door behind us.

"I overheard your conversation." He crossed his arms over his chest, now not letting any signs on his face of feeling.

"Yeah. I don't know what's gotten into him." I chuckled nervously, pulling at my sleeve for comfort under Sora scrutinising me.

"What he said was true. The zombies getting into your mansion was planned."

I was utterly stupefied into silence, my mouth must have formed an 'o' shape as my breathing seemed to stop with this revelation. I then felt as much betrayal as Kaito probably did earlier.

"I initially planned to break in and get you myself but it got a little out of hand, you could say. In the end, we couldn't get in for the fear of being bitten." He paused, letting out a sigh. "Luckily you got out and we found you."

"Why were you there in the first place?!" I questioned, horrified.

"To get you of course!" At my blank look he continued. "I found out where you'd gone a few days after the infection breakout. Straight away I knew I had to get you back but when I found out about the other three, I knew it wouldn't be so easy."

"So you got a member of my new family  killed in order to 'get' me." I concluded.

He nodded silently, sitting on his neat desk.

"I didn't mean for him to die, I just wanted you here with me, Haru. I can look after you much better than those two ever could!"

"No..." I uttered under my breath. "They can look after me just fine! I liked it there and you snatched it away from me!"

"You're better off with me!" He grabbed my arm, roughly pulling me towards him. "I won't let you go again, I love you!"

I yelled out a panicked cry of help and snatched my arm away from him, slapping him around the face. His head turned to the side from the impact, which left a rosy red handprint on his perfect face.

"Stay away from my family," I growled before leaving, slamming the door behind me.

Kaito was there, checking me to make sure I wasn't hurt. I could tell he was still insulted about me not even taking his words into consideration.

"I'm so sorry Kaito," I mumbled, hugging him, "I should have listened to you when you told me."

"It's okay, you know now."

Ryo then came over to us, worried when he saw how shaken up I was.

"Kaito was right." I told him, shaking my head dishearteningly.

At first he was just surprised. That surprise was quickly replaced by anger, as well as Kaito who was glaring towards Sora's office.

Kaito then went to charge in there but I quickly reached out and grabbed his arm in an attempt to restrain him. It was no use, he shoved me aside and I fell over.

"Kaito!" Yelled Ryo, helping me up. He then ran over to Kaito and shoved him furiously.

In the midst of the little scuffle, which seemed to not be calming down soon, I got up again but decided not to go near them in case I got hurt like last time.

Kaito then turned around and punched Ryo straight in the face, a murderous look in his dark eyes. I yelled for him to stop but it just worsened his mood.

"You got her on your side again!" He screamed, kicking Ryo extremely hard in the gut. A grunt of pain was heard from the ground.

Enraged, Kaito shot towards a doorway, grabbing a stack of papers that had been left there. He then used the fire that was still lit to burn them but held on to the very end. People cried out for him to stop but he ignored them and threw the stack of flaming papers through Sora's open window.

Ryo was up by this time and jerkily grabbed Kaito and kneed him in the stomach, then landing a punch on his face. Kaito responded by pulling a knife out of his back pocket, slashing Ryo across the arm.

"Kaito, stop!" I yelled, crying in desperation. He turned for a second and his eyes softened.

"Haru-" he started before getting thrown to the ground, thudding against the dirt.

It was Ryo again, grasping his slashed arm as scarlet blood seeped out over his hand. But it was all in vain when Kaito stood up and stabbed the knife straight into his chest, pushing him to the ground once more. He didn't stop there. He repeated it again and again, a monstrosity of his usual self, until Ryo stopped fighting back or moving at all. He was dead.

"No!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face weakly. I crumpled to my knees but was helped up by the lady with red hair.

"We need to leave," she stated, trying to keep calm.

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