Chapter 6: Family Addition

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The grass crunched under our shoes as we headed back towards the welcome sign.

Everything seemed so quiet, so dead and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen. A small yelp of pain distracted me and I looked towards a fence that separated us from a small drop into the woods.

"Wait here," I announced bravely, dropping my bag down by Kaito which made him watch me worriedly.

I jogged to the fence and delicately hopped over it, cautious of what was around me. When my foot hit the ground, it crumbled below me and fell. I screeched in shock as I tumbled down the hill but soon found my balance and got to my feet.

Kaito was already over the fence and at my side in an instant.

"You okay Haruka?" He asked.

I nodded and looked around. Underneath a tree laid a dog, tangled in some chicken wire. My heart melted and I rushed over to the animal, who wagged it's tail pitifully at my approach.

"Be careful," Kaito warned, "it may have diseases."

I crouched to the dog's level. It seemed to be a Labrador or maybe a cross as it was difficult to tell from the amount of dirt and wire on it.

"Hold on boy, I'll get you out of there."

I pulled out my knife and started to cut the wire that was connected to the bit stuck on the dog. Soon, it broke off, leaving just the dog's leg trapped in the wire.

The dog stood up but didn't put weight on it's rear left leg. I decided it must need treatment.

"Lets go," I patted my thigh to beckon the dog to follow and luckily it did.

"Wait, we can't just bring this-"

He was cut off by a large crunch from ahead of us. It was Ryo. He had come falling through the fence and down the hill, crashing violently into a huge tree. On top of him was a zombie, lashing out and trying to bite him.

"No!" I yelled and rushed forwards, readying my knife.

I grabbed the shoulder  and shoved it to the ground, where it growled and stood back up. Furiously, I charged forwards and kicked it in the stomach, making it fly back down again. Before it could move, I brought my knife down into it's skull, finishing it.

Sighing in relief, I offered Ryo a hand which he took gratefully.

"You weren't bitten, were you?" Kaito questioned from behind us in a flat tone.

"No, but my arm-"

I looked at his arm but gasped. It had a massive gash down it from the fall and blood was seeping out of it at a fast pace.

"And your leg!"

He could hardly walk on it at all. It was also injured quite badly.

"There's nothing we can do for them here. Let's take these wounded soldiers home!" I said and put Roy's arm around me for support.

"I don't think so." Kaito pushed me away and helped Ryo himself rather than letting me.

"Fine." I looked at my dog. "Just you and me then I guess, huh buddy?"

He gazed up at me with his dark brown eyes and tilted his head. I smiled and petted him.

We walked home in silence. I decided not to talk to Kaito since he'd been kind of offish for the whole time.

"Akio, it's us. Let us in." Kaito stated and waited patiently for the gate to open.

"Ryo! What the hell happened out there?" Akio came rushing to Ryo first and then looked at my new companion. "What is that- never mind, we'll talk about it later." He raised an eyebrow at me and helped Kaito and Ryo.

Ryo was laid on a makeshift bed in the second lounge room. I was standing against the wall, watching Akio stitch up his wounds and try to mend his leg.

"It's a good thing you guys got all that medication. If you didn't, I don't know what we would've done."

"We got a lot of valuable things." I agreed.

Akio did the best he could and finally stood up, sighing as he cleaning his hands and threw the towel back on the side.

"Now, about that dog," he started as we walked side by side to the lounge.

What we saw there surprised us.

Kaito was sat on the sofa with a heartwarming smile on his face. At his feet stood my dog, tail wagging and being pet by Kaito himself. They seemed so happy. I couldn't help by to smile at the cuteness in front of me.

"You were saying?" I smirked at Akio, who's expression had also brightened.

"I suppose he can stay," he rolled his eyes dramatically. "Let's get that leg of his fixed."

About an hour later, Kaito and I were still waiting outside the 'infirmary' for the dog and Akio. I turned to Kaito and playfully nudged him.

"So 'Mr Emotionless' has a soft side, huh?" I grinned happily.

"Tch, shut up about it."

I went quiet but it didn't mean I missed the blush on his face as he tried to hide it from me.

The door opened, gaining our attention as Akio walked out, seeming pleased. He stopped in front of us and then smiled.

"He'll be fine. We need to leave him to rest for a while but otherwise, he'll make a good recovery."

I let out a huge sigh of relief.

"So what're we gonna call him?" I asked Kaito later on in his room.


"Well he's our dog of course, so we need to give him a name."

Kaito groaned but then looked thoughtful and went silent for a while.

"My dad once said he'd had a dog as a kid." He spoke suddenly. "It was a very loyal dog, always by his side apparently. It's name was Baxter."

"Baxter is a nice name. So is that what we should call him, 'cause I like it."

He nodded.

"Well, Baxter it is then."


Short chapter, I know but tomorrow, since it's Christmas Day, I'll make a Christmassy chapter ;)
I'm so nice.
That was a joke.

But anyway, hope you're liking the book so far and feel free to speak to me and tell me which character you like the most :>

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