Chapter 18: Trust

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The next morning, I awoke once again, my whole body absolutely aching as I tried to sit up. Defeated, I laid back down, sighing miserably.

"You're awake," stated my saviour from across the room.

"Why did you help me?" I asked, "I was fine how I was."

"You were dying."


I then found the strength and willpower to sit up. It was surprising to me since when I looked down, my body was covered in ugly looking bruises and cuts.

That's when I decided to find out who was the one that saved me. When I saw their face, my heart felt as though it would burst in absolute happiness and shock. I was shaking wildly like a guilty criminal in a courtroom.


He smiled at me, looking exactly as he did before we were separated. I couldn't believe my eyes. Although he looked a little more muscled (and badass) he was the same old Kaito I used to know with his scarf addiction.

"I can't believe it's really you!" I felt tears welling up in my eyes and quickly wiped them away, hoping he wouldn't see. He did and walked over to me, hugging me as gently as possible so it wouldn't hurt.

"I missed you so much, Haru," he smiled into my shoulder.

"I thought you were dead. Back there, I saw the zombies heading towards you. I gave up after that."

"Well, what can I say? I fought my way out of there and promised myself I wouldn't rest until I had you back." He let go of me and sat on the edge of my mattress, a sorrowful look in his eyes. "I was so scared I wouldn't find you again."

"I lost my will to live, Kaito." I told him in a grief-stricken tone that I hated.

"Yes, I saw. You just laid there, not bothering to fight back. I even saw you had a smile on your face, happy that you were about to die."

"I'm sorry," I sighed.

"It's okay, Pistol," he smirked knowingly. He must have visited that stupid town and asked around for me. I blushed and hid my face.

"Oh no, I can't believe you know about that!"

"Well I do. You're quite well known around here, huh? And a description I got went like this..." he cleared his throat dramatically, "Pistol is a small girl but deadly. You'd know it's her straight away when you see her with a scarf on her neck, accompanied with a dog. If you knew what is good for you, stay away."

"They call me small behind my back?!" I yelled angrily, furious they'd mention my sad height in there.

"Just what I was told by some guy." He shrugged, "I also heard you took out two guys with your pistol and that's how you got the name."

"It's a long story." I groaned, rolling my eyes. "It happened one time when I was new there and two imbeciles thought they could get the upper hand on me. Well, it turned out that we took it outside the walls for a death match. I won with my trusty pistol."

"So from then on, people called you that." Kaito concluded.


"You kept hold of my scarf as well. Why?"

"Because I missed you. The scarf reminded me of you every day and I felt like I was closer to you with it on me." I explained shyly, fiddling with the ends of the material.

"Well I'm here now and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon." He stared at me intently, looking at every little detail of my face with an attentive smile playing on his perfect face.

"I'm so happy I've got you back," I told him, attempting to sit up properly but my body was hurting just too much for me to move.

"They beat you pretty good," he stated pointedly, although I didn't miss the anguish in his tone.

"Yeah," I sighed. "I guess I asked for it, smiling like that."

"Haru," he said, grabbing my hand. "Please, never give up. If we get separated again, or if I die here, just carry on living whatever you do. I can't bare the thought of you dying!"

"I can't promise that."

"Please do it for me." He stared into my eyes and into my soul, making my heart beat faster than ever.

"Kaito-," I was cut off as he placed his lips on mine, leaning in to me gently. I then closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment of pure bliss as butterflies fluttered around wildly in my stomach with the overwhelming emotions he caused for me.

"I love you Haru. Never forget that," he then wrapped his arms around me once again. For a while, he lay beside me, his breathing calm and relaxed with the corners of his lips turned up. My head was resting on his chest, reminding me of how I felt when he carried me back home.

He had fallen asleep not long after, still holding onto me but not too strong. I kept hold of him too, afraid I'd suddenly wake up for it to be a sick dream.

"Haru?" He asked sleepily, blinking his eyes open. "What are you still doing awake?"

"I can't sleep." I replied simply.

"Then I guess I'll have to join you on it being able to sleep." He sat up, yawning as he did.

"Sorry, you don't have to."

"It's okay, I don't mind." He smiled, still looking incredibly tired. He took a moment to look around the room. "How long have you been living here?"

"A long time. You get used to it after a while."

"We'll find a better place to live." He answered, shrugging.

"But this is fine-"

"You were a rich girl back before all this. I won't let you live in a tiny shed that leaks." He said, pointing to the corner of the room where a small droplet of water dropped from the roof.

"Maybe we could find a group. It'd be good to have a camp somewhere so we can all have each other's backs." I suggested wisely.

"No," he shook his head, "groups mean secrets and backstabbing. It wouldn't be safe in one. We're fine on our own."

"Really? In a group it would be so much easier and more secure..."

"Come on, Haru. I've seen a lot of groups over the past year." He gave me that sincere stare again, telling me he was serious. "I can keep you safe now. I've become stronger than I was before."

"I don't know..." I looked down at the old floorboards, wondering if he was right.

"Do you trust me, Haru?"

"Yes, I trust you." I answered confidently, staring him in the eye.

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