Chapter 15: This Cruel World

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1 year later...

"Baxter!" I hissed, crouching on the cold flooring of an abandoned warehouse.

Originally I'd came here to look for some supplies as we were running low and would soon be completely out. I'd become a little desperate and not checked for danger before entering the old place, thinking it would be empty, only it wasn't.

Inside I'd been surprised by a few hostile men of about ten who claimed to have reinforcements elsewhere. I took that as just a threat and taken cover behind a group of barrels as they started shooting.

Baxter was also with me but had snuck away out of sight somewhere. I was panicking as they could have my only companion in this dying world. I pivoted around on my heel, searching for the familiar golden fur of my best friend but he was gone.

"She's over there somewhere!" Shouted one of them, gesturing in my direction with his gun. The others looked over in my direction.

Like a strike of lightning, I jumped to my feet and fired one and then two bullets into a man's chest. He coughed up blood and crumpled to the ground with a thump.

One down, loads more to put bullets in.

I looked around me for another position, seeing a flight of stairs to my left. I crept over there, deadly silent, keeping my eye on the guys that were trying to help their fallen friend. He was already dead though.

I found myself on a ledge opposite them and aimed my gun. They didn't even notice me there until I shot down another two members.

That's three, I thought to myself, repositioning elsewhere.

Quietly, I made my way towards the back of one of them who was especially jumpy in this situation. He was shaking wildly, unable to contain his fear.

"Too easy," I smirked as I pulled out my knife and sliced him across the neck, silently putting him on the ground as not to attract attention.

I didn't realise the other man though and got surprised as he grabbed my hair, ragging me to the ground. With amazing reflexes, I turned my head and bit him on the hand, digging my teeth far into his flesh. He cried out in pain and I took that opportunity to stab him in the chest, ducking down afterwards to avoid several bullets heading my way.

Footsteps approached and I hid behind a shelf, peering around the corner at the two that had come over to us. I shot them hurriedly, trying to stay out of sight from the others.


Suddenly, I got grabbed from behind by two extremely strong men. I kicked out but couldn't manage to land a hit on them, only then starting to panic. They pulled me down to my knees and tied up my hands behind my back, keeping their hands on my shoulders to ensure I couldn't stand back up.

"This little one took out seven of my men on her own?" Questioned a deep voice, followed by multiple footsteps.

"Little?" I spat. "I'd rather be little than a hairy giant like you."

"So cold!" He gasped dramatically but then stepped forward and punched me in the face. "How did a mere child like you take out so many?"

"Skill." I smirked.

"That can't be it."

"Yes. You're men were slow and dumb, you can't really expect them not to be dead. Speed is a good thing to have on your side you know? Obviously your men didn't though, if they did, they'd probably still be alive."

The man looked a little taken aback but then smirked. And then he let out a laugh.

"Untie her, I think I like this one."

The two people on each side of me undid the rope around my sore wrists. I stood up and rubbed it, glaring daggers at the two.

"Now, my name is Frank. What is your name, pretty one?"

I cringed at the name he called me but kept my normal cold look, staring into his dark eyes.

"Naomi." I lied without hesitating, my arms at my side to convince them I wouldn't attack.

"What a lovely name! Now, Naomi, how about I give you an offer?" He was starting to make me want to wipe that cocky smirk right off that face of his but I decided to stay still.

"Depends on what it is." I replied simply.

"How would you like to join my group? You'd get food and shelter, plus our protection. We could use a strong fighter like you with us."

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a pair of soft brown eyes staring at Frank from under a table. I smirked at him, planning out my next move on the spot.

Baxter dived out from his hiding spot, clamping his jaws on Frank's arm, ripping it open with a vicious growl.

With no hesitation, I pulled out my gun and shot the remaining two in the chest point-blank, not even waiting for them to collapse before walking towards Frank who had managed to get Baxter off of his arm that was bleeding heavily.

"By the way," I started, grabbing him by the arm, "my name is not Naomi."

I pulled a metal pole out from under a shelf and with a lot of force, pushed it through Frank's arm and hooked it into the wall, leaving him sat on the ground screaming. Eventually he'd bleed out from the pole being stuck in his arm. If he moved, it would cause him great pain as the pole was lodged in the wall.

"The name's Haruka."

I then turned away from him, taking most of the supplies the group had owned and put it in my own bag. His screams were even louder as I opened the back door to let a few zombies in the warehouse. After that, I quickly made my exit, my face grim as I heard him screaming my name in desperation.

I ignored it, tucking my face into the grey scarf around my neck to keep out the cold.

In this cruel world, I would survive alone. I wouldn't need anybody else's help, and they wouldn't need mine.

Double upload because I felt productive today ;)

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