Chapter 12: Dilema

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I never planned what happened next. I blamed myself for it though.

Sora moved closer to me and put his arm around me again.

"I still feel bad about everything," he stated, "maybe we could try again?"

I thought about it for a while. If we did date again, there wouldn't exactly be anyone to be jealous or anyone to try to stop us. Except Kaito, I thought. He would be pretty angry if I said yes to Sora. But we weren't officially dating so I wouldn't be cheating on him anyway.

"Yeah," I smiled, "maybe we could."

He let out a breath he'd been holding and grinned happily at my answer. This didn't last as we were interrupted.


It was Kaito. He was standing behind us with a mad look in his eyes, almost inhuman-like. His fists were clenched and he was shaking with rage that he was trying to conceal.

"Kaito, I-"

"- I don't want to hear it." He turned to Sora. "This is all your fault!"

"Calm down. It was Haru's decision, not yours. You don't own her." Sora glared at him with his once bright eyes. They were dark now, and held anger that was directed toward Kaito.

"She is mine!" He yelled, "Get your filthy hands off her!"

Kaito stepped forward just as Sora rose from his seat. He then punched Sora straight in the face, making me flinch from the amount of power he put into a single hit. Sora raised a hand to his bruised face.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea." He looked at me coldly before walking away.

He returned five minutes later with two men. Their expressions were grim and reminded me of a couple of police officers.

"Kaito, you're staying in the cells tonight. Violence isn't permitted in this place of safety."

The two men grabbed Kaito by his arms and lead him away, Sora waiting beside me. He then turned to me again, his scary look gone and replaced by his usual looks.

"You're safe now, Haru. I'll always protect you, especially from him." He paused, staring as Kaito was taken around a corner. "He'll be let out in the morning but I'm sure this won't be the first time this happens."

"What makes you say that?"

"He is obsessed with you, I can tell. He doesn't want anyone else to have you." The seriousness in his tone scared me a little.

"I'm sure he'll get over it sooner or later," I laughed quickly to brighten the gloomy atmosphere.

"No," he shook his head slowly and walked away without saying another word.

I stood by the log for a few more seconds, a deer in headlights compared to Sora, who was the most confident leader I'd ever come across. I then decided to go to our van to sleep the whole thing off.

"What's the matter Haruka? You look upset about something."

It seemed I was certainly an open book to read today. I turned to see Ryo sat down looking sleepy.

"Kaito has been locked in the cells for tonight," I explained. "He punched Sora in the face but he'll be back again tomorrow."

"What an idiot." He sighed. "Looks like I'll have to talk some sense into him."

I nodded briefly and went to walk away.

"And Haruka?" He called, "if you ever need me, you know where I am."

Thankful I had someone to rely on that wasn't that shady, I hurried into the van where Baxter was waiting to greet me, wagging his tail in excitement.

"Hey buddy, I'm back. You've been waiting for so long!" I sat down on my bed and he sat beside me, letting me cuddle him for comfort. "I don't know what to do, boy." 

He tilted his head but his tail was still wagging, just glad to see me. I smiled and laid down, staring at the ceiling. I had a desperate urge to find out if Kaito was okay. Despite his outburst, I still worried for him.


In the morning, I woke up in a better mood than the night before. I opened the curtains to peer out at the sun's rays gleaming down on the survivors already walking around. They all seemed so happy just being there.

I quickly got dressed and walked outside to find out where breakfast was. Sora was leaning against a wall, his hair slightly moving in front of his eyes due to the breeze.

"Hey Sora," I greeted, giving him a little wave, "could you show me where breakfast is?"

"I haven't eaten yet, I'll come with you." He stood up, yawning tiredly and then leading me over to a group of people sat on benches.

Together we sat down on our own table away from the others. That's when I saw Kaito, who had a cut on his face, also sat alone. He felt my gaze and looked up, staring me in the eyes. I turned my head away, the guilt eating away at me.

We were given breakfast (a small portion of egg and beans)  and ate it in silence. I wanted to talk but was unable to find any words. 

"I suppose you're wondering what happened to him?" Sora mused, knowing what was going through my mind. I nodded.

"They gave him a little push around at the cells after he tried to hit one of them. The guards, I mean." He shrugged, delicately wiping his face with a napkin. "His own fault, really."

"He didn't deserve all that though, surely not." I debated, a surge of bravery all of a sudden.

"Why not go ask yourself?" Sora suggested, standing up with a bored expression. "You obviously won't listen to my side of the story."

He sauntered off somewhere else so I didn't bother following him to wherever he was going. Instead, I got to my feet and sat beside Kaito.

"Leave me alone," he grumbled, not looking at me.

"Kaito, what did they do to you?"

"This," he pointed to his cut cheek. I then noticed some other scratches and bruises scattered around his face. I raised my hand to gently touch it and he winced.

"I'm so sorry," I said quietly, looking down at my lap.

"No you're not." He snapped frustratedly. "Why not go back to Mr Perfect over there? I'm sure he'd like to lie straight to your face again."

"What are you talking about? Sora wouldn't lie about anything..."

"You're so naive, Haru. Open your eyes will you?" He glared at where Sora went with a menacing growl. "I know what he's hiding. The sooner you see it the better."

Who to trust more, Sora or Kaito... An even better question would be who do you think Haruka should end up with? ;>
This book is so fun to write idk why >.<

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