Chapter 21 / 'Shoot Kaito Ending'

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Last actual chapter unless you choose the other ending which is in the next one!

Daylight broke through the gaps of the barn door and I came to the conclusion that Kaito would probably be worrying about me by now as he'd have already woken up.

I sat hunched up in a bed of hay, surrounded by the stuff. He'd locked me in a stable and tied me up in there, not even letting me stand or anything. If he thought he had a chance with me after that, he had another thing coming!

I lifted my head as I heard footsteps from outside and then the door creak open. There was a hole in the stable door so I peeked out, any hope I may have had dying as I realised it was just Sora coming back.

This time, he'd brought a knife and wore thick clothing. He was prepared to fight Kaito, ready to kill him.

I prayed that Kaito would just think I'd died or something and carry on with his life but I knew that wouldn't be the case. Both of them would go to any extreme to get me, even kill one another and it really scared me.

I felt like I was to blame for this. If these two had never met me, maybe this wouldn't be happening and maybe he would be safe. But I had to fix this some way or another and I knew how.

Across from my stable was a load of weapons that Sora had gathered to attack Kaito with. The sight of them made me shudder at the damage they could cause. If I could get to them, I would easily be able to slice one across my neck. It would stop the two from hating each other so they could go their separate ways and stop obsessing over me constantly.

"Haru," said Sora in a song-song voice as he walked over to my prison of wood and hay, "I'm getting impatient for your pet boy to arrive."

"Maybe he won't come at all," I replied, glaring at him.

"Oh he will. I just went by your place and he isn't there, you know what that means, right?"

"He's," I paused, taking a deep breath, "he's looking for me."

"Yep! Pretty soon he'll find this place and I can finally get rid of him. After that, we can be together at last." Sora grinned wildly like the cat who got the cream.

"You're absolutely crazy."

"You're in love with a psychopath."

I turned away from him, facing the wall instead and picking at the decaying wood at the side of me. The hay was scratchy and uncomfortable despite it providing a warm bed for me. I desperately wanted food or at least a drink but I didn't want to take anything from Sora at all. That's just because I'm stubborn.

"I have some water here," he informed me, leaning on the doorway now.

I ignored him, tapping my finger on the wood in boredom.

"You can't go for long without water, Haru." He sighed in exasperation.

"Good," I replied at last, "I'd rather die of dehydration than be kept prisoner by you."

He was taken aback and his lips formed a straight, angry line on his face. He then simply walked away, returning moments later to dump a whole bottle of water over my head, soaking me and the area around me completely.

"Do not talk to me like that." He growled lowly, charging away to the other side of the room.

I curled up right in the corner, avoiding the damp hay. Tears started rolling down my face once again and I closed my eyes to stop them. After a while, I fell asleep, wondering if Kaito would get here soon.


I awoke a little while later to the excited squeals of Sora. I opened my eyes, half expecting him to be doing something weird over in his little corner but instead saw him by the doorway of the barn, peering outside.

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