Chapter 10: Old Friends

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We drove for a while until Ryo announced that he was extremely tired and feared he'd crash the van if he fell asleep at the wheel. Everyone agreed to stop somewhere to have a power nap.

Kaito and I were still leaning on each other but I felt so comfortable there that I couldn't bring myself to move away. Within minutes I fell back into a deep sleep.

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that it was cold, meaning Kaito wasn't there. I then realised there was a bunch of shouting which probably meant him and Ryo were arguing.

They weren't though. Instead, the van doors were wide open and people were looking in at us. Kaito was the one shouting at them to leave and blocking me from their sight.

"What's going on?" I questioned, rising to my feet cautiously and slowly enough to show I was no threat.

"We're here to offer you shelter. A safe place to live rather than this van. These two don't seem too happy about that."

It was a young man who spoke, maybe around eighteen years old. He had light brown hair that was a bit messy but in a stylish way. His blue eyes shone brightly in the morning sun from under his hat. The expression on his face was serious but I noticed the way the corners of his mouth were raised in a permanent smile. I knew this man.


His face changed into one of recognition as he realised who I was. He jumped up into the van, ignoring Kaito's angry shouts. I hugged him tightly and smiled into his shoulder.

"Haru, I can't believe you're actually here!" He grinned happily at me and put his arm around my shoulders in a friendly way.

I stood up, Sora next to me and waved my hand at Kaito to show everything was fine. He relaxed slightly but still glared at Sora's arm which was still around me.

"Kaito, Ryo. This is Sora. A childhood friend of mine. Sora, this is Kaito and Ryo, the brothers I was living with."

"Nice to meet you two. I'm glad someone was taking care of my girl for me." Sora was still smiling warmly as he always did back before the apocalypse.

"I didn't know she was anyone's girl." Kaito remarked duly, still wearing his cold glare.

"Oh yes, we knew each other before this all happened."

"But you weren't there for her during the time she spent with us."

"I had family to deal with." Sora's expression had soured slightly although only I took note of this.

I laughed nervously and removed Sora's arm from my shoulders carefully, stepping in the middle of the two. Their features softened as they looked at me.

"No need to argue guys, Sora is offering us shelter after all." Saying this, I gave Kaito a warning stare as though daring him to argue back.

"Yeah, we have a very secure base just ahead. A few more survivors isn't a big deal for us." He gestured outside the van and we hopped out. "You have a dog as well Haru, so cute!"

We both laughed and started walking towards our new home with the rest of the small group. Ryo had told us he'd be taking the van behind us whereas Kaito lagged behind like a dark cloud of jealousy.

"So you're the special girl Sora's been telling us about all these months!" Gushed a middle aged woman with short scarlet hair. "You're very pretty."

"Thank you," I grinned, "I love your hair."

The journey continued like this until we came to a large wall where a woman stood guarding with a rifle. She immediately saw us approaching and called for someone to open the gate. I stood on my toes to get a glimpse of the inside and was surprised to see a group of children happily waving and pointing as we walked in.

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