The Mysterious Hero: Chapter 1

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            A soft knock on the wood of my door was able to wake me from my sleep. Opening my eyes, sunlight flooded through the shades of my window, and I turned on my side away from the light. I sighed then closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

            The twisting of the knob told me that he was inside my room. I knew what was going to happen. This happened every morning.

            "Lila, get up. It's time for school," Adam said, approaching my twin sized bed. "I know you've been out late but you really need to get ready."

            "Please Adam. I came back at past twelve last night. Cut me some slack and let me have five minutes," I whined, pulling my covers so they were over my head.

            "Sorry sis', no can do." And with that last statement Adam ripped off my covers in one swift movement, making me growl. I stuck out my hand to steal the covers back but he held it away from me. "Get ready for school, squirt."

            Sighing in defeat, I begrudgingly got out of my bed and to the door. Before heading off to the bathroom I stomped on Adam's foot making him yelp.

            There were only two toothbrushes in our bathroom: mine and Adam’s. After brushing my teeth thoroughly I smiled in the mirror. I grimaced when I saw that my hair was a bird’s nest and that there was dried drool on my chin. Splashing water on my face, I patted some water on my hair so it was easier to comb. As usual, I tied my light brown hair up in a ponytail.

            Trotting back to my room, I changed into my usual clothes which was just jeans and a sweater. Before leaving I slid on my black, thick framed glasses. The glasses didn't do anything for my vision as they were non-prescribed fake glasses, but I needed them.

            Taking a few deep breaths, I left my room, running down the stairs and into the kitchen where Adam stood with a plate of toast. Sizzling up to him, I took the plate, munching on the burnt bread. I grimaced when the black taste stuck on my tongue. Spatting it out, I glared at Adam. "We have a toaster. How'd you burn this?" I asked, tossing the burned remains in the trash.

            Adam smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "The toaster was broken?"

            "I doubt it."

            "Lila, what do you expect from me? You know I can't cook." Adam frowned. "You could have scraped the black off the toast."

            "I wasn't going to eat it anyways." I shook my head, chugging down a glass of orange juice.

            Adam mumbled something under his breath, and I rolled my eyes at him again. I had offered to teach him how to cook but he had always refused. His excuse was, and I quote "Cooking is a woman's job. I'm manlier than that." If one uses the word manly that does not mean he's manly.

            "Hurry up if you want me to drive you to school," Adam said, picking up his car keys. "I need to get to the office."

            My lips twitched upwards. "You want to be early so you can flirt with the secretary, don't you?" I laughed, taking notice of his light blush.

            "Shut up, Lila. Lucy doesn't see anything in me." Adam bowed his head down in shame. "I can never get any chicks," he sniffed then pushed his glasses up with his index finger.

            "Oh come on, Adam. You're an eye doctor," I said, putting a finger on my fake glasses. They were in courtesy of Adam. He was able to snag me a pair.

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