The Mysterious Hero: Chapter 28

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            The sound of the crash echoed up the stairs, starling the both of us. Luke and I instantly jumped to our feet, forgetting the intense kiss that we had just shared.   

            “What was that?” Luke asked, wide eyed and panicked.

            I lifted my palms, showing that I had no clue. My expression was the same as Luke’s. We were both silently asking the same thing: Is Mr. Malum here?

            There was a shriek, and that was when we registered we had to go check it out. Rushing to the door, I darted out, not bothering to wait for Luke. I hopped down the stairs, landing on the heels of my feet.

            In bad situations there was always a churning in my stomach, but at that moment there was none. We heard the crash, so there must’ve been something majorly wrong. However, my senses weren’t alerting me of trouble. Though it was better to be safe than sorry.

            I flew into the area of the commotion, which was the kitchen. My hair swooshed back and forth, as I assessed what was wrong. I was posed in a fighting stance, my arms held out to punch.  

            “My goodness!” Luke’s mom squealed. Bringing my gaze to her, she frowned. I took a step forward, asking what was wrong, but she cried, “Stop there!”

            “Mom,” Luke, appearing behind me, spoke, “what’s wrong?” His voice was frantic, afraid that someone had hurt his mother. She sighed, running her hands through her golden locks. Luke walked over to her, but his mom gestured hysterically.

            “Honey, no! Stay where you are!”

            Luke’s abruptly stopped in his tracks, his face contorting in pain. “Ow! Ow!”He jumped in his spot, clutching his foot. “Ow!” he cried again.

            My eyes quickly shot to the floor, finding that there were broken shards of glass everywhere. Averting my gaze, I observed the rest of the kitchen. There was no sign of trouble, except for the broken glass, and Mr. Malum wasn't here. Letting my guard down, I dropped my fighting stance and stood normally. I sensed a presence behind me and peeked over my shoulder.

            A tall man, with dark brown hair, stood behind me. He was handsome, and I was guessing he was Luke's dad, because of the charm he carried. He offered me a smile and nodded his head. "Luke is being dramatic as always. His foot will be fine."

            "Mom!" Luke whined. "It's bleeding" He now sat at the kitchen table, still holding onto his bloody foot. "There's a piece of glass stuck in it!"

            "I'm sorry, honey," his mom spoke. "I warned you to stop, but you kept walking." She had an apologetic expression on her face.

            “Vanessa, how did this happen?” Luke’s dad motioned to the mess. “I heard a loud crash, and then these two came bouncing down.”

            Vanessa, that’s a pretty name, I said in my mind. Luke’s mom, or Vanessa, sulked. “I was holding that special glass dish, the one we got from Grandma, and it accidently slipped from my hands,” she explained. “Don’t worry. Dinner is still on. I’ll just sweep this up.” She dodged the glass mess and grabbed a broom and dust pan.

            “Oh good.” Luke’s dad let out a sigh of relief. “Your squeals sounded like you were dying.” He sauntered over to Luke, putting his hand on Luke’s shoulder.

            “Well, you know how much I loved that dish,” she said, a small smile on her lips. “So kids, you were quite fast to leap down those stairs.” She mostly looked at me, because she saw my fighting stance. “What’d you think happened?”

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