The Mysterious Hero: Chapter 13

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            The soles of my sneakers smacked the ground as I sprinted in the darkness. My mouth was dry, the lack of water making it difficult to continue. Beads of sweat ran down my forehead. My mask felt like it was glued to my face. The wind sharply whipped my body. My pony tail thumped against my back, feeling like a punch with each bounce. My chest rapidly rose and fell as I gasped for air, filling my lungs with oxygen. My calves burned as I pushed myself to go faster.    

            My head pounded furiously, threatening to burst into pieces. What if I don’t make it in time? I pushed that insecurity to the back of my head. Now wasn’t the time to be pessimistic.

            The school building came into view, and that encouraged me to run faster. Leaping up the steps, I dashed for the front door and gripped the handle. I swore under my breath, trying to thrust the door open but it didn’t budge. It was locked.

            I struck the door with my clenched knuckles, hoping that someone would open the door from the inside. But that wasn’t going to happen. Everyone was in the gymnasium, partying.

            Jumping down the steps, I rushed to the back entrance of the school. Unfortunately, the back door was locked. I growled and punched the door out of frustration. This was bad. There was no way inside. How was I supposed to get in?


            I hastily scrambled over to the nearest window, trying to open it. But the windows could only be opened from the inside. A string of curses left my mouth as I punched the glass window, but not hard enough to break it.

            A light bulb went off in my head, an immediate idea surging. I dropped to my knees in search for a rock large enough to smash the window. My hands came in contact with a smooth rock, and I lifted it up to my face. It was a good size that would do the job.

            Closing my eyes, I focused on my energy. I could feel the rush of energy flow through me as I hurled the stone with all my might. The stone came in contact with the window. A ringing crash erupted, glass splaying everywhere. Scurrying away, I covered myself with my arms as the glass shattered into a gazillion pieces.    

            Rushing over to the broken window, I carefully pulled myself inside, making sure that I didn’t cut myself with the shards of glass. My feet touched the tiled floor once I was securely in the room. The lights were off in the classroom, but that didn’t matter because my vision was superb.

            Exiting the classroom, I darted through the hallway. The gymnasium was on the other side of school. It would take quite a while to get there, even with me sprinting. There were a lot of turns that I had to go through. My school was freakishly large because of the student population which amounted to over four thousand.  

            I spotted a flight of stairs that would do well for a shortcut. I immediately climbed them, skipping two steps all the way up. When I was at the top, I started running again. I stumbled over my feet and flew to the floor, but I held myself up with my hands. Breathing heavily, I urged myself to keep going. I couldn’t be late.

            Standing back up, I ran. I flew through the hallway, like a panther. I took long, fast strides, determined to reach my goal. I would make it. I had to make it. Another set of stairs came into view, and I jumped down them from the top to bottom. I landed on the heels of my feet then pushed myself to keep going. I was almost there. 

            I could hear music pounding as I came closer to the gym. The gym doors were closed, blocking the entrance to outsiders. Standing in front of the doors were two teachers on duty as chaperones. I guessed that this was where the tickets were supposed to be admitted. I didn’t have a ticket. Maybe I’ll be an exception. Doubt it.  

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