The Mysterious Hero: Chapter 25

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            “Miss, we need to speak with you.”

            Those were the first words spoken to me when I stepped inside the school building that Wednesday morning. After a week of staying at home and monotonous resting, I was finally allowed to go back to school. My left leg was sore but the wound had assuredly closed up. There was a deep, unattractive scar on my thigh, but it wouldn’t be visible unless I wore revealing shorts. Nonetheless, I felt well except for the constant paranoia that paraded my mind.  

            “What?” I sputtered out, turning away from my locker to face the two officers in uniform. My eyes darted from the first officer to the second officer. I was very paranoid. My stalker could be anybody. I did, however, create a suspect list. Mr. Malum was definitely on there. “Me?” My eyes widened in alarm. I hadn’t done anything that would need the cops to cuff me, unless you counted me not attending school truancy; however I had a reason, so the officers couldn’t be here for that.

            “We’re still doing investigations for the shooting that happened at the recent dance in the gymnasium,” the tall, burly officer spoke. “We would like to ask you a few questions.”

            There was a lump in my throat, but I didn’t allow myself to swallow. Any sign of nervousness would make the officers suspicious. Stay cool, I told myself. “I didn’t go to the dance,” I stated, my voice not faltering.  

            A spark of interest ignited in the other officers’ eyes. “Really?” he asked, putting both hands on his hips, craning his neck to look up at me because he was very short. “Why not?” I could detect the slightest hint of suspicion in his voice. Oh, just great! my mind groaned. “Surely, a young girl like you would go to the dance. Any reason why you didn’t?”

            I stuttered on purpose, pretending I had nothing to do with the dance. “I c-can’t dance and I-I didn’t want to h-humiliate myself trying to dance with two left feet.” I tried forcing a blush on my face, but I didn’t really have to because the situation was nerve-wracking enough to put a pink shade on my cheeks. “I-I’d rather stay home and read my romance novels.”

            My innocent façade was enough for the officers to look down at me sensitively. They understood that I was the outcast nerd who had little friends, the nerd that had no life, the nerd that would rather stay home, but they didn’t know who I really was. They would never understand.

            Both officers nodded their heads, believing my every word. “One more question,” the tall officer started again, “do you, or anyone else, know who The Mysterious Hero is?”

            Allowing no indecision to show, I quickly blurted, “No! No one knows!” Realizing that I spoke too fast, I spoke again. “All of us know that she’s a girl, but we just don’t know who she is. Personally, I think she’s a college student.” I threw in that last lie to throw the officers off. I couldn’t have them after my tail. “I can’t imagine a high school student being The Mysterious Hero. Could you?”

            For a moment I thought they were going to bring out the handcuffs and escort me to the cop car but they didn’t. They simple nodded their heads, considering my theory. “Huh, the kid might be right,” the short officer mused. “I can’t imagine a high school kid taking such responsibilities. Face it, kids are selfish. Now The Mysterious Hero is something. Yeah, she definitely might be a college student. Bert, we should definitely check the local colleges,” he went on, and soon the officers were strolling down the hall away from me.  

            Once the officers were out of sight, I finally gulped. They were looking for me. Why were they looking for me? In hindsight, I was a gigantic help to officials in this town. They barely did anything to help the citizens in trouble, and here I was, risking my life to help others in need. They hadn’t a solid reason to arrest me. Was I jumping the gun, though? They could’ve just wanted to find out who The Mysterious Hero was so they could thank her. My paranoia was practically eating me alive!

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