The Mysterious Hero: Chapter 5

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             I was glad for second period because Emily and Eric would be there, and I wouldn’t have to endure class alone. They were already in the classroom, unsurprisingly, in an argument. I strolled to our table with a grin as I said, “Brothers and sisters should get along.” I plopped down in my seat as they both glared at me. “What are you guys fighting about this time?”

            “Well, Eric used my toothbrush this morning!” Emily snarled at her brother. “My toothbrush! That’s gross!”

            “I only used yours because you used mine to scrub the toilets!” Eric argued.

            “So? I’m not going to use my toothbrush to scrub toilets!”

            “That’s why you’re supposed to use the toilet scrubber!”

            “Don’t yell at me! Wait… we have a toilet scrubber?”

            “See Lila? This is why we argue! Emily is an idiot!” Eric sighed in frustration. “Toilet scrubber…” he mumbled.

            I laughed out loud at how funny their argument was. “Okay, time to settle this thing,” I said in between laughs. “Emily, you will buy Eric a new toothbrush. And Eric, you will buy Emily a new toothbrush.”

            “Isn’t that the same thing as buying a toothbrush for ourselves?” Emily questioned with a curious expression, while Eric was still annoyed.

            “Yes, but as an apology, you will give the toothbrush you buy to your twin.” I smiled at my simple solution. “Got it? Good.”

            “Wow Lila, you’re so smart,” Eric bit back sarcastically.

            “I know.” I smiled cheekily, making both of them roll their eyes. “So, what are we doing for lab, today?”

            “Same as last time,” Emily answered. “We already have the materials, so let’s just –“

            There was an uproar coming from the front of the classroom, and we turned our heads to see what was going on. Luke and his friends were boisterously laughing, while the teacher tried to reprimand them. They didn’t stop laughing until the teacher broke them up, pointing for Luke to sit alone at one table while Mason and Jake sat at a different table. The teacher went over to yell at Mason and Jake first, who were snickering at their own demise.

            “They’re so obnoxious,” I commented as we turned forward in our seat. “Especially Luke.”

            “This is high school,” Emily said. “People are –“ Emily was interrupted as the teacher approached our table.  

            “I need one of you,” the teacher said, gesturing towards us, “to be lab partners with Luke.” She pointed across the room, where a smirking Luke sat.

            “Hell no,” Emily hissed, and I shot her a warning look. “None of us wants to be his lab partner.”

            The teacher sighed and crossed her arms. “I just need one of you to be his partner for today. I’m pretty sure he won’t be a bother. So, who’ll do it?”

            The three of use stared at each other, silently asking who wanted to do it. Of course, none of us wanted to partner with Luke. I knew Emily wouldn’t do it because she was a stubborn girl. Eric, on the other hand, I wasn’t sure about. He shook his head at me, pursing his lips.

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