The Mysterious Hero: Chapter 32

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The collision caused a loud boom, shocking everyone. The syringe slipped from Mr. Malum's grasp, smashing to the floor. He let out a curse before setting his eyes on the source of commotion. The car was lodged in the collapsed wall. Debris flew everywhere from the impact, making dust mist over the car, preventing us to see who the driver was.

Once the dust cleared out, we had full view of the car and driver. My eyes bulged out of their sockets when I saw that the car was Mr. Malum's red Porsche. Surprisingly, the Porsche only had a few dents and scratches, but nothing serious. Everything was still intact, even the windshields weren't broken. The driver's door popped open and I heard his familiar voice. "Holy shit, that was awesome!"

Luke stumbled to the front of the car, wobbling on his feet. An exhilarated smile was on his lips, but that soon faded away when he saw the condition I was currently in. He moved his gaze around, slowly taking in an unconscious Adam, the dirty warehouse, and the two culprits. His mouth dropped open, face filled with horror. "Oh...shit," he mumbled, shaking his head.

Mr. Malum growled, baring his teeth at Luke. His chest rose as he got ready to yell. "Scelestus!" he roared. His scream was so loud and powerful that it was enough to shake the entire warehouse, even the floor shook.

As if she had the power to teleport, Celle swiftly barreled into Luke and knocked him down to the floor. Luke yelped and thrashed under her, trying to push her off. She punched him in the face several times, and I actually looked away, cringing at the sight.

How did Luke get out of the locked closet? And how did he find me? I didn't want Luke in this big mess. I didn't want him to get hurt. He had no business in coming here. He should've just stayed away. But he didn't. And now here he was, trying to fight off Celle, to come rescue me and Adam. Luke was so stupid. If he was going to come here, he should've brought help. How could he possibly expect to take down Celle and Mr. Malum, and save the entire day, by himself?

You're so stupid, Luke.

"F*ck!" Mr. Malum screamed in my face. "I was so f*cking close!" His fists clenched, ready to beat someone to death. He looked down at the ground, at the broken syringe. His lip twitched upwards, contorting into a sneer. "Don't worry. I can quickly whip up another dose." My stomach twisted in horror. He turned around to fetch more of his chemical, but abruptly halted in his tracks. "Your f*cking boyfriend wasted my time. I'll be sure to end his."

A gurgled gasp left my mouth, but I wasn't able to retort because Mr. Malum was already at his desk preparing the syringe. Luke was not my boyfriend and he was not going to die. I wasn't going to let him get murdered, especially not by the person who killed my parents. That was the line. No one else was going to die in the hands of Blaine Malum. I wouldn't let that happen.

I heard a pain-filled scream and looked back at Luke and Celle. They were still wrestling on the ground, fighting. I didn't want to admit it, but Celle was obviously winning. Luke's punches were too slow, and Celle was easily able to dodge them. Celle smacked Luke's face, and Luke's head immediately whipped to the side. He saw me watching and his eyes gleamed in mischief.

My eyes widened. Luke was up to something. What was he going to do now? Luke said something to Celle, and she grinned. She gave him another blow to the face and grabbed his neck. The air in Luke's lungs puffed out. Luke choked, his eyes closing. My heart dropped. But then one of his hands slowly moved, reaching into his back pocket.

I flicked my gaze over to Mr. Malum. He was mixing something in a phial, adding droplets of some other chemical. It would take him some time to whip up another dose of his special formula. I moved my gaze back to Luke, hoping that whatever he was going for would work.

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