The Mysterious Hero: Chapter 3

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            I held my breath, afraid that if I didn’t, he would hear my breathing and spot me. I leaned against the brick building, poking my head out only an inch to see where he was heading. He walked closer to the suburbs where the houses were nicely built with fresh, cut lawns. As he turned the corner, I came out from my hiding spot and trailed him. He abruptly stopped in his tracks, looking behind him. In a split second, I jumped behind a trash can, hoping for some cover-up.

            He narrowed his eyes but hesitantly began walking again. He shoved his hands in his pocket and pulled out a small switchblade. I gulped nervously, biting my lip. I wasn’t very good fighting criminals who had weapons on them. I mean, I could fight but I was only human, not immortal! It was an unfair move to me since I didn't use weapons, but only my body. I hoped that it was the only weapon that he had.

            Crouching up from behind the trash can, I was glad that my ankle boots didn’t make any squeaking sounds or he would notice me. I quickened my pace, taking fast strides to catch up to him but making sure to stay as quiet as a mouse. The man stopped in front of an average, two story, yellow house that had no lights on. I stepped behind a tree and watched as the man tried to pick the lock.

            I always wondered what burglars were thinking. I mean, yeah they break into houses at night that are obvious people are sleeping in. What was the point? Why not break into a house during the daytime when no one was home, instead of nighttime? I swear, criminals had no brains at all.

            When he finally picked the lock, he stepped inside and closed the door. I waited thirty seconds before pulling the sleeve of my black sweater over my hand and twisted the knob carefully. I slipped in quickly, shutting the door with a soft click.

            My eyes adjusted to the darkness, and I blinked several times. Moonlight illuminated through a window of what looked like the living room. There was no sound or movement coming from there, so the burglar must be somewhere else. I figured that the burglar wouldn’t be one to rummage through the kitchen, so I checked that off the list. With my sharp vision, I could see that the living room and kitchen were connected, and that there was no one in there besides me.

            Shit! He moved fast! He must already be upstairs!

            The stairs were to the right of me, and I hastily climbed them. I was glad that it was carpeted, so my footsteps were muffled. My ears perked up at the sound of someone rummaging through drawers and slamming them shut not so gently. Damn, didn't he know that he was going to wake everyone up?

            All of the doors were shut closed, except for one that was opened an inch, and I had no doubt that the burglar was in that one room. I stepped in front of the door and pushed it open all the way, then stepped back so that the burglar wouldn’t see me. I heard a gasp, and the burglar poked his head out of the door. I took this chance to punch him square in the face.

            “Shit! What the f*uck!” he screamed, narrowing his eyes when he saw me. “Who do you think you are? Huh, son of a –“

            I took this opportunity to punch him in the face again. I wasn’t going to dilly dal and listen to his useless chatter. He staggered back from the blow, clutching his nose.

            “You little –“

            I punched him in the stomach this time but I didn't think it had much effect because this guy was pretty fat.

            “That’s it!” he screeched, producing his switchblade. I kept my face blank, even though I was scared shitless in the inside. Even though I fought criminals all the time, I was still scared. Could you blame me though? What if a freaking psychopath came charging at you with some sort of knife? Wouldn’t you be scared?

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