The Mysterious Hero: Chapter 2

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            "Finally the school day is over," Emily sighed as the four of us trotted down the steps of the school. "I can't stand to be in a school where people are so mean and snobby."

            "Aren't all high schools like this?" I asked as we reached the bottom steps. School was over for the day which was a relief. Just like Emily, I couldn't stand being in that school where people are just jerks.

            "Na-uh," Emily shook her head. "Our cousins go to the high school across town and they are definitely not like ours, right Eric?"

            Eric nodded his head. "Yeah, the kids at the other high school are actually nice to each other."

            "Bottom line guys, our school sucks," I pointed out. "Why did we even enroll here?"

            "That's what I ask myself every morning," Emily sighed.

            Tiffany nodded her head. "Yeah, people here are so mean. Remember that guy in the cafeteria today, Luke? He scares me."

            "Popular people scare you, Tiff. But don't worry, I'll protect you." Eric smiled cheekily, causing Tiffany to blush.

            I coughed to get Eric's attention. "I was the one who saved her from the wraths of Luke at lunch. He's such an arrogant bastard."

            Eric gasped. "What'd he do to you, Tiff? I swear I'll kick him in the balls! Trust me, it hurts a lot. Emily's always doing it to me," he grumbled the last sentence, and I stifled a laugh.

            "Yeah, it's true," Emily confirmed with a snarky laugh and smug smile.

            "Well Lila was there to help me," Tiffany whispered. "Thank God. I can never go up against one of them alone."

            "No one hurts my friends," I stated. "They'd have to go through me."

            "What'd you say to him, Lila? Attack him with numbers? No wait, did you use big vocabulary words that he didn't know?" Eric mocked, widening his eyes.

            I rolled my eyes and played along. "Nah, I scared him off by telling him facts about the American Revolution," I paused. "Did you know that most people don't know the name of the other messenger that went with Paul Revere to Concord? It's William Dawes." They all burst out laughing at what I 'supposedly' said to Luke.

            "That would have so scared Luke away," Emily said. "Actually, it would scare any idiot away, crying to their mom."

            "Hey guys, I have to go catch my bus," Tiffany said, nodding her head to the orange buses lining up by the sidewalk. "See you guys tomorrow!" Tiffany waved, running towards her bus.

            "And now there are three," Eric said, but I shook my head.

            "Nope, we have to go our separate ways now," I said, pointing to my left where the direction of my house was, while Emily and Eric had to walk the opposite direction to their house.

            "See you tomorrow, girl," Emily said, pushing Eric to walk forward.

            I waved at the twins before turning my back on them. I wondered what Adam must be doing at the moment. Was he flirting with Lucy, while I walked home alone? I grinned at that thought. Adam must be getting him game on!

            I breathed in the fresh air, crisp like a juicy apple. The sun shone through the cotton puffed clouds, beams caressing my cheeks. I sighed in content, loving the beautiful weather. A smile reached my face, and I stopped on the sidewalk to enjoy the sensation.

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