The Mysterious Hero: Chapter 34

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"If you feel pain or anything like that, just take some Tylenol and if that doesn't help, just come right in," Dr. Alan explained, giving me a moment to ask any questions. When I didn't, he proceeded to speak again. "So you're free to go home now," he said, writing something down on his clipboard. Looking up from his papers, he smiled and nodded his head. "The nurse will be in shortly to assist you."

"Thank you," I said with a curt nod. He smiled once more and left my room. Sighing out loud, I sat up in my bed and looked at Adam. He strolled over to me and instead of waiting for the nurse he expertly removed the IV from my arm.

After the visit from the FBI, I had only stayed in the hospital for one day. I recovered from my initial shock of learning that I no longer had heightened senses and was now a normal person. The FBI had said that I had no choice whether I wanted to keep my heightened senses because having them was considered a threat to society. I did feel a punch to my stomach because those senses were what made me unique, but, truth to be told, I'd rather have no heightened senses than have them because it was a part of Mr. Malum's doing. I didn't want to have anything to do with that man.

The FBI had they told me that I couldn't tell anybody, besides Adam and Luke because they already knew, about what had happened. There was even a cover story to explain why I was in the hospital. If anyone asked, I was supposed to tell them Luke and I were kidnapped and Adam tried to stop my kidnappers but failed.

I didn't get to see my friends again after the FBI had left because visiting hours were over. However I hadn't seen them all day today, and the only company I had was Adam. On the other hand, I had seen Lucy who came in to visit me and Adam, especially Adam.

Her visit was short because she said she needed to help prepare something, but her reply was vague when I asked what. The good thing about Lucy's visit was that she had brought me a change of clothes. That was nice because the clothes I had were ripped and bloody. She had also brought in clothes for Adam and a pair of new prescription glasses. Lucy was a really nice and considerate person. I actually hoped that she and Adam would someday get married.

"Ready, squirt?" Adam asked, looking me over. I was wearing the clean clothes that Lucy had brought me, consisting of jeans and a button-up plaid shirt. My face felt weird because I wasn't wearing any glasses, but I didn't need them anymore.

"Ready," I affirmed, climbing off the bed.

Adam and I left the hospital, and took a cab home because we had no car and, even if we did, Adam couldn't drive because of his broken wrist. The cab driver was an old man who liked to yap about nothing in particular. Adam pretended to listen to what he was saying, while I, on the other hand, tuned out on their conversation. I just wanted to go home. I wanted to be in my house, in my room, and just wanted things to be normal. I just needed to settle back into my life.

Leaning my head against the cold window, I watched as a light shower of April rain sprinkled over the road. The sun was fading away, ready to set, because it was now seven. The cab slowed to a smooth stop, parking right in front of my house. A soft smile graced my lips, pleased to finally be home. After Adam paid the fare, I got out with him right behind me.

Climbing the steps on our porch, I stood in front of the door. Adam nudged me to the side and produced the key from his pocket. Once the door was unlocked, I pushed through. The lights were off and when I flipped the light switch I jumped in shock.

"Welcome home!"

Standing in front of me were my three best friends, their parents, Lucy, Adam's friends, Luke's parents, and Luke. Mr. Lee immediately snapped a picture on his camera, grinning at the screen, probably because my jaw was dropped wide open. Adam stood next to me and patted a hand on my shoulder.

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