Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I felt cold and was only holding on to Carter's lifeless body. It was my fault he was dead. Another person I love dead. And all I felt was rage. I stood up and called my handler to call a clean up crew. My mission now was to seek out revenge. This will only lead to my death but I did not care. After placing a kiss on Carter's lips one last time. I left the apartment and head straight to the man who ruined my life.

"Hello father." Said Danii.
The man looked up at the sound of her voice. He was not surprised that she broke into his home again.  He had a smirk on his face that only manage to disgust Danii.

"I see you got my message " he said.

"Loud and clear" she growled.
She kept her eyes on him waiting for him to make a move.

"So do you plan on answering?" He asked.

" That's why I'm here for, to kill you." She replied.

He sat back in his chair placing his hands  on the arm rest. "Well, before you do anything. I got something to tell you." He said looking me dead in my eyes.

"Well go ahead and tell me father."
She said with such rage her body was shaking with each deep breath she took.

"That's just it darling, I'm not your father." He said as if he was telling the time.

Danii looked at him like he grew another head and was about to say something but he cut her off before she had a chance to say a word.

" But I am in fact your uncle. I am your fathers identical twin brother Mark." He said nonchalantly.

Danii was beyond shock but also relieved to know her father didn't murder her Carter.

"Where is he?" She angrily ask.

"Oh, he's dead. I murdered him a couple years back and took his place as it should of been rightfully mines." He said nonchalantly.

Danii felt her blood boil it was only adding to the rage she felt. Her mother, father and carter was dead. Her body was tense, teeth clinched tight, her fingers itching to grab the 9mm she had shoved inside her pants hidden on her back and she was ready to pounce.

" I can't wait to watch you..."
Before Danii had a chance to finish he fired a shot at her. She was thankful that it missed her head. As she pulled her 9mm from her back and fired she was not going to stop until she unloaded a whole clip on Mark. The spacious office was now a shootout scene. Danii took cover to keep herself from getting hit again. She put pressure on her lower abdomen. Danii was now settled on the floor before she had the bright idea to shoot at his feet. When she did that all she heard was him cursing and growling in pain. She pressed her back against the wall and she used the wall to keep her steady as she stood up and fired another round into the his chest. Danii felt a bullet graze her right cheek and left a burning sensation that you get after a deep scratch. Danii was breathing heavily a lot more blood was seeping out of her abdomen she was starting to get light headed. She felt a bullet go through her thigh. Danii needed to finish him off  she  took a deep breath and fired off another round this time not stopping and until she was out of bullets.  When she empty the clip she paused for a minute to see if he was still moving   She didn't here any movement being made. So she walked up to the desk to look behind it there he lay dead. Finally it was over with and now she can finally be with  her mom, father and Carter.

Danii Delove    (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now