Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

   I had to put Carter on hold and find why Michael Luivanelli sent these men after me. I was a woman on a mission, so I headed towards the address my boss gave me. Soon, I arrive at 1200 Pine Crest. I stood there watching the mansion, I had to figure out a way to get passed the security gate surrounding the property and the 4 body guards I had spotted.

   It was a Crescent moon, I had enough dark shadows to hide me while I got closer to the gates without being seen. I heard a truck pulling up to the gates entry, I laid flat against the cold grass so the headlights would not reveal my position. Just then I saw an opportunity, I rolled and rolled until I landed right under the trucks undercarriage, getting a good hold and positioning my feet against the underlining frame of the vehicle.

I heard the gates open and the truck started to move forward. The truck was going 5 mph down the drive way, I waited until the  driver got out of the truck before running towards the side of the mansion taking cover within the shadows.


   I went around the side of the mansion to find a way in. Then I spotted the balcony on the second floor with the glass doors. I climbed the tree that was adjacent from the balcony and stood on one of the thick branches, just praying that it wouldn't cracking under my weight. I made it as close as I can  to the edge of the branch before jumping onto the balcony without hurting myself.

The door was lock, I wasn't Surprised good thing, I knew  how to pick locks, reaching for my hair I grab the Bobby pins and started picking the lock. The door unlocked and I walked in closing the door behind me. I looked around the room and noticed that it was a bedroom. I saw the door that looks to be a way out into the hallway. So I made my way towards that door and cracked it open.

I look through the crack to make sure that the hallway was all clear and it was I took that opportunity to sneak into the hallway trying to find Michael's room. I look in every room that I passed by but they were all empty. Except for the last door I reached it, the light was still on.

I did not know what could be on the other side of that door. I had to be cautious so I pulled out my  9mm Beretta switching the safety off. I said a little prayer before entering the room. When I entered the room I made sure that I locked the door behind me, so no one else could enter.  

Fortunately for me there was a man sitting on his bed with a shocked look on his face good thing he was only holding on to a book and not a gun. He reached his hands out toward the nightstand, I ran to his side before he could even open the drawer on the nightstand. Putting the gun to his head I said "Do not move or I will shoot you between the eyes,Do you understand?"  He nodded his head to say yes.

" I'm going to ask you some questions and you will answer them truthfully,okay." I said , he nodded his head. 

" Who are you?" I knew who he was, I had his picture but I wanted to see if he was going to lie.

"I am Michael Luivanellli" He answered truthfully.

" Do you know who I am?" I asked him

" Your Danii Delove also known as Danii Delove Luivanelli, Your my niece." he answered. I was caught  by surprise by what he just said at the end. Danii Delove Luivanelli, Your my niece. WTF! No that can not be true, He could be lying to mess with my head for all I know. My did not tell me she change her last name or that she had a brother especially one who was Italian, unless this man is related to me from my father side. 

" If I'm your niece, why would you send your men out to kill me?" I asked him never breaking eye contact.

" Because I hate your father. he does not deserve to run the business but my father who loved him so much put him in charge of everything,and so anything that made your father happy I was there to destroy it , just like when I personally murdered your mother,Danii. " he admitted

I can not believe that I was standing in front of the man who just confessed to murdering my mother, I was so angry and filled with hatred that I just wanted to pull the trigger but I needed him to answer a few more questions. 

" What's his name?" I asked

" Danny Luivanelli." he answered , I guess I was named after my father.

" Where is he ?" I asked

" In Italy, He'll be back in town Wednesday" he answered

" Thank you for your cooperation " I said with a smile on my face before pulling the trigger. I shot him twice, one between the eyes and one in the heart.

I finally know who my father is and I needed to see him.

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