Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Since it was just us girls for now, we did what girls do best, when guys are not around, we watched lifetime movies and snacked on junk-food.

" Its crazy what people would do for love. " Tina commented

" Yeah. but majority of the time they need help mentally, with all the crazy shit they do." I said

" Its crazy alright, that there's actually people like that in the real world." Tina said

" Yes, you can always count on life-time, to make soap opera movies about these actual events that happened with these people." I said

" Girl , If its on the news and full of drama, life-time will be there to make a movie about it." Tina said and we both bust out laughing.

" Its almost 5 pm , Which Means Carter will be here soon. We need to make dinner or we can always order take out." Tina said


" Oh Shit! Wow! We can definitely order take out." Tina said

" Yeah, Maybe Italian " I added

"I can't believe that you slept with Carter " Tina whispered

" I know, I can't believe it myself." I said

" How was it?" Tina asked

" Its none of your business." I answered jokingly

" Oh, come on! You can not just leave me hanging like that." Tina said

" Oh My Goodness, Danii! Is he packing ?" Tina asked

Laughing I said. " Girl, You know that I don't kiss and tell."

" Please tell me, I need details." She said

" Nope" I said

" I don't have a sex life right now, Can you at least tell me, Was the sex good? Did he stroke it right?" Tina asked, while doing this obscene sex gesture.

" Yes, but that is all I'm telling you, you freak! " I finally said, while laughing.

Tina phone ringed and she answered.

" Okay , Yeah...We want Italian food tonight and bring a bottle of wine...okay, Thanks." Tina said before hanging up.

" Well, this is going to be a very interesting night, Since Carter will be here in an hour." I said, sarcastically.

We was sitting on the sofa eating Italian food and drinking red wine, that Carter had bought for us.

It was kind of awkward sitting there in the same room, on the same sofa . Especially when Tina know that we slept together.

I felt Carter arm brush against mine, his leg touching mine. It felt so good, I did everything in my power not to jump his bone right in front of Tina. But there is no denying the truth, I felt something for Carter that had my heart squeezing.

" Hey Carter, I heard the good news. " Tina said, with a wink.

" What news? " Carter asked

" Oh gosh! " I said

" You know, about you and Danii."

answered Tina

Carter took a deep breath.

" I can't believe you told Tina. " Carter said in an angry manner.

" It kind of slipped out, Why are you upset? " I questioned

" Because you snuck out on me last night and you thought that would be something to discuss to Tina about, without talking to me first. " Carter answered

I didn't know that I embarrassed him by sneaking out on him as if he's a one night stand, Damn.

" I'm so sorry Carter, that should not have happened like that. I wanted it to be different. " I said

" You should have told me that instead ignoring my calls all morning. " he said

" Damn! You ignored his calls, that's f'ked up. " said Tina

" Shut up Tina! " Carter and I shouted at the same time.

" Fine. " Tina said sounding like a a 4 year old, who got their feelings hurt.

Carter looked at me and said

" I love you " and then he just left without another word.

I just stood there for a moment, forgetting that Tina was still here.

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