Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I had a mother once, a mother that loved me unconditionally, a mother who would overreact just because I had a little scratch or when I fell, a mother who cared about me more then anything in this world. Her name was Denieca Delove she was beautiful with long dark hair past her shoulder blades and smooth skin that was the color of Carmel candy,full pink lips to go with her beautiful white smile that can catch anyones attention.

That was almost 4 years ago when my mother was alive and well. Until that very hot summer night that my mother was raped and murdered in her very own kitchen. While I was attending a high school basketball game having a good time with my friends my night turn tragic when I got home expeting my mother to be in bed asleep. I entered the dark kitchen to get me something to eat but for some reason the kitchen felt beyond cold at the moment soon as I switched the lights on. I came upon a deadly scene that had me weak to my knees laying on the cold kitchen floor was my mother cover in blood. The scene was so horrible that I stood there in shock just staring at my mothers lifeless body her throat was slit open, blood coming out of her mouth and her throat. Her face look like she been beaten to a pulp it swelled up to the state that you could not recongnize her.

June 4th 2008 at around 11 p.m was the night that will always be my nightmare, a night that I can never seem to forget. Now I was all alone in this dark world. I had no other family that I knew of. I was only 16 when this happened. A very close friend of my mother's took me in and cared for me for a year in which I graduated high school at 17. During my freshmen year of college I left Michelle's house because I did not want to be a burden to Michelle even though she kept insisting that I wasn't.I wanted to be independent so now I have been living on my on for 2 years now and I'm only a junior in college. Thanks to my mothers money I stay in a luxurious penthouse furnished and decorated to my liking.

I'm a 20 year who lives alone in a beautiful penthouse that I Love and enjoy all to myself. It would have been nice if I had someone to share it with but hey I got my best friend Carter and Tina. They the only people I have left in my life that I care about and trust the most in the world aside from Michelle they have been my closet friends since I was 5 years old.

There was a knock on the door so I got up from my lounge chair and went to look on my little screen that was embedded on the wall instead of the peephole that was on the black steel bullet proof door down the hall. I took a quick glance only to see that it was Carter my best friend I shut off the screen and went down the dim lighted hall that lead to the steal door to let Carter in.

"Took you long enough Danii" said Carter "Well I had to make sure you was not some crazy murderer knocking on my door or I would have to pull out my 9mm pistol Beretta on you " I replied with a smile while looking into his beautiful steel blue-green eyes. With a smirk he replied " I would take a bullet for you any day baby " Rolling my eyes I said "yeah yeah yeah whatever makes you happy" we entered the living room laughing and sat on my comfy all black Italian imported sofa that was placed in front of the electric fireplace with my 72inch flat screen above it looking magnificent.

It was Friday a movie night for us but only just us two since Tina had a family affair to attend to all week long. She didn't really tell us what it was about since it was a private matter at that. I met Tina Fox, while Carter Jolie and I was playing in the sandbox she helped me bury Carter under the sand he was not all in for the idea but I told him that I would buy him his favorite ice cream that was all it took for him to cave in, hahaha what a sucker! good memories.

Danii Delove    (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now