Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

  I woke up to the sun shining bright on my face,  I didn't even bother to close my curtains last night I decided it would of been a nice way to wake up to the start of a beautiful day. I got up and headed straight to the shower. 30 minutes later I was done, my mind and body felt relaxed. Then I walked towards my closet picking out an outfit to wear a short blue dress and some black stockings with a matching blue pair of heels that look good. Putting on my gun belt that went under my dress on my right thigh I put the small gun in its place. No one would even notice that I had a gun on me since it was small and easy to conceal on my body, to finish up I put on my black trench coat. I only put on a little bit of make up with an extra tube of red lipstick that I kept in the penthouse. All that was left for me to do was put on my blonde wig and contacts which was in my car.

  Heading out the door I got my pocket book and keys. Starting the engine to my car I pulled out the parking lot and drove straight to Saint Paul's. I arrived there by 11am I was early which was fine with me. Being early gave me the opportunity to make sure I was able to have an exit and a back up plan just in case something was to happen with a meeting that was happening in public. putting on my blonde wig and make up.

  I went inside and sat at the very last row that had a view of everyone that was inside the building and a view of the door to watch who comes and go.

  Being surrounded with alot of people I had to be on high alert you never know what can happen. It was 11:50am he should be arriving now so I kept a closer eye on the doors. And then that's when I saw my boss walking in, he seen me without missing a beat he sat right next to me. He handed me a big white envelope.

  " All the Information is in the envelope, Mr. Green death will be used to frame his business partner Mr.Letto ."  he said

Then he handed me another envelope this one was yellow.

"This is Mr.Letto information, all you have to do with him is make all the evidence look as if he committed the crime." he said.

  Nodding my head "okay" I said

"You have until Wednesday to get it all done." he told me

  "Alright, I'll get it done by then" I told him

  "$200,000 will be your pay on Thursday night." he said getting up to leave

"Okay" I said

"Good luck" he said ending the conversation.

I sat there for another 5 minutes before I got up to leave. I had to skip out on breakfast to get this business handled.

With my stomach growling I knew it was time for me to eat. And that is exactly what I did, I got something to eat.

Danii Delove    (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now