truth hits hard

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My snow day followed the path I allways take, sleep in, no geting out of pjs, and binge watching anime....
I did just that.

And ran a cross a movie that I felt real conceded to why? Because that is me right thier I was that girl. "5 centimeters per second " was the movie... it was a couple who where childhood friends and started to like each other but one moved away. In a year they have the strongest bound. Ie. Ben giving me a rose eched in glass that said I love you... but when the second one moves and distance grows texts and cards stop conceting them. The guy starts to think of astronauts who spened 10 years in space looking for the answeres to the universe. Ie. Ben's love for space and science.  But they fall apart. With one complete torn up about thinking 1 person no the where they eather have to keep hoping and trying or give up and have it all crash down... exacly like Homada and madoka's situation keeping hopeing for some thing you know will NEVER happen or fall in to disspare and become a witch...

their is no happy ending.

The next thing I do is copy the url and send it to Ben, funny how so perfectly embodies us... but then I see.....

"Ask me why I keep loving you when it's clear you don't feel the same way for me. The problem is as much as I love you, I can't Force you to love me. Yet I can't Force my self to stop loveing you eather."

This was Ben's mode. I say I feel the same ever day. He says he dose to. I get hope full. And explain why I do."I hurts to love some one you will never be nexted to." He says thiers a girl in his class he likes.  I say "I wish you luck".

How could I have miss read that.. I thought it was me. I really are selfish and greedy. I should let him go.. and stop talking to him.. I wount send this the Christmas card I made for him. I should delete his numder and his skype. I should give up

     Shount I ??

Tay. What do I do? Can you help?? Plesea my soul gem is geting black and cruse will soon take over and all become a witch.


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