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"Arin, you seen Lloyd?" Julian asked, peeking around his brother's door. "I can't find him, and he's the only one that knows how to finish the last level of the game."

"Yeah, yeah. Just a sec." The door swung open, and Julian found himself face to face with his older brother. "Haven't seen him, no. Why, you think he's fallen out the window or something?" It was more of a statement than a question. "He's probably in his room or something."

And with that, the door slammed shut.

"Thanks," Julian muttered. It wasn't that he disliked his brother- but living with him was harder than he had thought. He was sure that Arin would agree.

Lloyd, on the other hand...

"Lloyd?" Julian called, knocking on his bedroom door. "You in here?"

"You know," a voice said from behind him, "you could have just texted me."

Julian sprung backwards, his natural reflexes swinging into overdrive. Lloyd grinned at him, rolling his eyes. "You really need to stop doing that."

"You need to stop scaring me!"

"Whatever," Lloyd smiled. "Come on, we have to help Lawrence beat the next level of that stupid game." Referring, of course, to some cheap old video game the two boys had bought for Lawrence's birthday.

"Wait, wait, wait."

"Mhm?" Lloyd was already making his way to the living room, his hands running through his hair. It wasn't a nervous thing, just a habit.

"Why're you wearing a turtleneck?"

"What?" Lloyd tried to act innocent, but Julian knew. They had lived together long enough for him to know every single one of Lloyd's coverups.

"Did someone give you a hickey?"

"Fuck off," Lloyd said with an uneasy laugh. "It's cold, that's all. Turn the heating up." He turned to leave, but Julian grabbed his shoulder. "Seriously. Go away."

"Was it my brother?" Julian's mind was racing, full of pictures of the two of them, the darkness of Arin's room. "Have you been screwing him again?"

"It was one time!" Lloyd groaned. "I can't believe you, honestly."

"Then show me your neck."



And so, when Lawrence walked into the room, he saw a rather strange sight.

Julian was straddling Lloyd, who had been flattened to the floor. He was trying to shove Julian off, his face red, his eyes narrow. Julian, on the other hand, was bent over, tugging at the collar of Lloyd's shirt. The two of them were breathing heavily.

Lawrence turned red, excused himself, and left.

"Wait! Lawrence, it's not- we weren't-" Julian's voice echoed through empty air. He looked down, the fabric of Lloyd's shirt still clutched between his fingers.

With a sigh, he let go of the shirt, looking down at Lloyd. His hair had come undone, come out of the clips that he usually wore. He looked angry.

Before he could stop himself, Julian reached out and tucked Lloyd's hair behind his ears. A simple gesture, one that suddenly felt so very important.

Although Lloyd seemed to have calmed down, Julian felt his heart begin to speed up again, staring down at the boy he called one of his only friends. "We- I should explain to Lawrence-"

"Don't bother," Lloyd muttered, with a bitter laugh. "He doesn't think much of us anyway."

All of a sudden, Julian became aware that he was still straddling Lloyd. With a cough, he set his hands down on the floor and pushed himself up. He held a hand out to Lloyd.

"I can get up myself."

"That's a lie."

"Shut up."

It was a lie, and they both knew it. Lloyd was tired, and his already bad balance was even worse than usual. He tried to rise, unsteadily.

He crashed to the floor.

"Lloyd!" Julian bent down, lifting his friend up by the shoulders. "Dude, we really need to do something about that." He gently helped his friend to his feet.

"Ya think?" Lloyd replied. "But there's not enough money to pay rent anyway. I'll be fine."

Words, as he would soon learn, that he would regret.

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