24: erica

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She had never loved hospitals, but for some reason she didn't mind this one.

Maybe it was something to do with the context of why she was here. An anticipating smile flickered over her lips as she stared down at the boy, almost lifeless in the bed beside her. She could see the weak rise and fall of his chest, could almost hear the heart beating underneath. She couldn't stop her own heart from speeding up, couldn't stop herself from grinning.

And why wouldn't she? Everything was falling into place.

She hadn't seen Julian in over ten years, true; he'd made it clear enough that he wanted nothing to do with her. She couldn't understand it- everything had been just fine. It was all his brother's fault; he'd been brainwashed by his classmates to think that she was sub-par. So, yes, Julian had been gone for years. And, yes, she hadn't seen him in all that time.

But this boy knew him well.

She almost choked on her own happiness, her own thoughts.

I'm going to get my son back.

Whether he likes it or not.


When Lloyd finally stirred, his breathing unsteady, she was at his side. She chuckled to herself. I knew he wouldn't be passed out for long. His eye widened as he took in the strange visitor at the side of his bed.

A woman, maybe in her late forties, was staring down at him. Her hair was a dirty, muted version of blond, and her eyes were fringed with long eyelashes. Where had he seen that hair colour before? Her smile was wide, stretching already thin lips into something resembling pen scratches. He shuddered as he took in the way he was looking at her- hungry, full of anger. In some kind of animal world, she'd be a lion.

Which meant that he was her prey.

"Hello," she said, and her voice was silky-smooth. He hated the sound of it. "Sorry to visit you at such a bad time, but I've been out of town for a while. And..." She reached forward and gently traced a finger through his hair. He wanted to scream. "I just couldn't find you in your apartment."

He managed to gain enough strength to lift his hand. There was a button by the side of his bed. He knew that a nurse would come running if he pressed it.

Her hand slammed down on top of his, knocking it hard against the side of the bed. He groaned as skin collided with metal. Her smile was ever-persistent, ever-present. "Let me introduce myself."

"Don't want... to talk to you," he managed. His head hurt, and his hand was stinging from how tight she was gripping it. "S... stop."

"Let me introduce myself," she repeated, her eyes dark and dangerous. "My name's Erica. Erica Garrett. I'm here to speak to you about certain... issues I've had with my son."

Lloyd's head was swimming with fear. "I don't know who you're talking about," he croaked.

It was a lie, and an obvious one.

"So you're not friends with my Julian, hmm?" She let go of his hand, and he lifted it to see the red marks where her fingernails had dug in. "You don't know him after all?" She leant down, kneeling at the side of the bed so that they were almost eye-to-eye. "You don't see him every so often, not even in the hallways at school? You don't wave to him?"

Lloyd shook his head, trying to swallow back the fear that was threatening to engulf him. "I don't know who you're talking about."

Her smile was wider than ever. "So you're not his boyfriend?"

Lloyd flinched. She shot him one last grin before turning away, looking out the window. "Where's his house, hmm?" she mused. "Where's he been hiding from me?"

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