Chapter 14: Summer Love

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~Authors note.

Heyyyy people!!! Thanks for reading my book.

This next chapter is longer than others. Just want to say I have nothing against Sophia I just used her in this book to create some drama. I love them together. SOPHIAM!!!


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Chapter 14:

Melissa's P.O.V

The day was amazing, it was so much fun and Liam has been sweet all day.

I can't wait to have a romantic dinner, and to go to the park.

"So. Why dont you get changed real fancy and we'll go out to eat." Liam said and I rushed up to my room.

I had no idea what to pick out Chloey was asleep and I didnt want to wake her up and I didnt want to ask Niall for fashion advice. Louis was drooling on his phone foe who knows why. Harry and Emmeli are all lovey dovey and I really dont want to walk in on any of that.

Perries out on tour for a bit so that leaves...


I never really talk to Zayn and we arent close at all. Maybe a few hi's or whats up now and then but I've never really talked to him.

So I figured this would be the perfect chance to get to know him. And I'm sure he knows what Liam likes.

I go up to what I think is Zayn's room and he is on the bed with headphones on.

I peek into the doorway and he takes his ear buds off and greets me.

"Melissa. Hey what's up?" He asks surprised to see me.

"Nothing I just need your advice." I say to him.

"On what?" He asks

"What to wear for a fancy dinner date with Liam." I say.

"You've come to the right place, Mel. I know everything Liam likes a girl to wear." Zayn said and I was so happy.

"Thanks Zayn!" I said

"Now lets see that closet of yours." He said and I lead him into my room and in front of my closet.

"Hmmmmm." Zayn said while rubbing his chin to make a thinking face.

"What about this....with this...paired with these." He pulled out a beautiful red dress with black heels and my heart locket my mom gave me.

I go into the bathroom and change.

This is beautiful.

Zayn really has a sense of what Liam likes.

I walk out and do a turn.

Zayn starts to clap and cheer.

"Bravo, Bravo!" He yells like he's a supermodel.

"What about my makeup?" I ask.

"Do you know how to do anything?" Zayn asks pulling me into the bathroom.

"Okay..a little bit of this....a splash of that...and just a tad of that." He says while applying all of these things to my face.

"There...honey, you look beautiful." Zayn says and turns me around so I am able to see myself in the mirror.

I was speechless. My eyelids were a beautiful silver color and my lips were bright red.

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