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Sara's pov


Was I all I heard when I woke up from my alarm.

I get up and see that it's 7 in the morning on a Saturday. "Oh shit!" I say realizing that tonight is the dinner.

I walk slowly to my bathroom and turn on the shower and get in letting the hot shower run down my back for awhile, before shampooing and conditioning my hair and washing my body.

After some time in the shower I finally get out and put on my robe from The hanger from my door on.

I go and plug in my blow dryer in, and take my hair out of the towel and let my long hair fall down my back.

I brush my hair while blow drying.

Finally done I start on makeup so I don't have to rush to do it tonight .

(Pic on top😊)

After successfuly tried to my makeup on point. I went and put on a simple outfit for today.

Looked at the clock it read 12:58

"Damn" I say "did I really take that long"

I grab my keys and go to the mall to look around to waste time.

As I walk into the mall I wasn't paying attention and end up running into that new kid nash grier .

"Oh shit I'm so sorry about that" he says as he helps me up.

"That's cool, hey your nash right? I ask him

"Yeah" he says scratching the back of his head.

"We'll my name is sara, sara palmer" I say as I hold out my hand.

"Nice to meet you sara" he says as he shakes my hand.

"So what brings you here today?" I ask him

"Oh I just wanted to explore the city that's all" he says as I got lost looking at his body he looks fit and and muscled .

"Maybe I can show you around sometime" I say back to him snapping out of my thoughts.

"Yeah that would be cool" nash says as he gets his phone out. "Is it okay I get your number, you know if I get lost I can call you , haha" nash says.

"Yeah sure no problem" I say as I type my number in.

"Well I better go I'm supposed to meet my dad here somewhere " nash says looking around confused.

"Okay, well I see you at school then" I say as he waves at me and walks off.

He seems nice.

As I look around I spot this nice dress it looks decent for tonight I go in and see if they have my size.

"Hi! Can I help you with anything today?" The lady at the front desk asks.

"Yes, I seen the dress you have in display in front I was wondering if you guys  had a size 8?"I ask hopefully .

"Of course!" She says As she tell me to wait and she'll go get it.

She comes back 2 minutes later with the dress.

"Do you want me to ring it up?"She ask

"Uh, yes please" I say

"Okay, it's going to be $67.87" she says.

Damn I thought.

As I give the money she gets my change and says "Thanks! Come again" she says. Yeah don't count on it I say to myself.

I got done looking around I went back home I looked at my phone it read 3:34.

Ugh! Still have three more hours to go.

I go look at my dress and call mom to come see it

"Mom!" I yell.

"Yeah" she says back

"Come here I wanna show you something" I say pulling the dress out.

"Oh wow where did you get that" she says

"The mall it was on sale" I lied.

"Oh that's good, when do you want to go look for a dress for tonight?" She asks.

"Your looking at it" I say.

"Oh okay, it's beautiful I love it" she says.

"How much did you pay for it?" She asks.

"Umm. 15" I lied again.

"You know honey if you need money just tell me and I'll give it to you" she says putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Okay Thanks mom" I say as I watch her walk out of my room.

I hope this night goes well.

But something tells me something wrong.

Maybe just nervous about meeting my mom's new boss....

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