On the road again...
Just can't wait to get on the road again.
The life I love is making music with my friends.
Goin' places that I've never been
Seein' things that I may never see again.
And I can't wait to get on the road again...On the Road Again ~ Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson
Saturday - June 7th
The secret language of boys and brothers is a strange and savage tongue not fit for human consumption ...let alone polite company. The strange speach of savages is a deceptively simple language of few words. But each and every word is imbued with a myriad of meanings. Where even the subtlest change of tone can shift from the light slight, or alternately open up vast depths of meaning. So depending on the savage in question? The same word can either hold profound love or start a war. It is a strange and savage tongue, that over the course of time and tides, one that I will unfortunately become Bi-lingual in.
It's the first Saturday since the SlapFight suspension started, and all the irresponsible adults are out of the house. So I've decided to try to make an extra added effort to be nice today. I am determined to try to make things better between me and the boys. Especially after learning everything they did for me to get my father's necklace back. Or at least make my short stay together in the Casa de Crazy as pleasant as possible under the circumstances.
This is not just a casual decision on my part, or just because they got my necklace back. I think that after talking to Tommy of all people, I've realized that the Devil might have been right about one thing. That there is an "Us" against a "Them" now. Especially with Billy for sticking up for me against Dillon Taylor. So at this point, I can pretty much forgive him for anything, short of punching me in the face good morning.
Alas also for Stevie, who is clearly in desperate need of a best girlfriend-slash-sister. And contrary to popular opinion, even Tommy is apparently not the worst human being in the world. I mean after all, they still keep finding old Nazi war criminals alive out there somewhere in South America? And North Korea is a still totally a thing, right?
So my first act as the new nicer Sorta Sista Sammi is to make the boys a real lunch for once. So instead of the standard whatever sandwiches or hot dogs, I opt to go with my blue-cheese burgers on toasted sourdough baguettes with a slice of spring tomato. This is by far one of the least complicated meals I know how to make. I've checked the night before and we have all the necessary ingredients. So I am hoping that the meat alone will appeal to their inner carnivores.
So while the boys are about doing their laundry the week, and arguing about whose turn it is to pour bleach in the upstairs urinal. I get to the work in the kitchen preparing what I hope will be a nice meal for everyone. Melting blue cheese crumbles over the hamburger patties, and brazing the bread with my secret Sriracha-mayo sauce. I even decided to throw together a Caesar side salad with freshly grated Parmesan, at least for me and Stevie's sake.
So with the three out of four of the Crazies sitting at the table for lunch, I set down the plates of food in front of the savages and step back waiting for them to reject me. All three savages stare down at my gourmet burgers, tilt their heads slightly to the side and sniff at the food like dogs. Then share a mutual WTF shrug at each other, before they cautiously start to eat. After taking the tentative first bite of food, each of the savages has bared their teeth at me in turn. Which I am assuming are smiles as they continue to consume the food.
"Oh Holy Hell, this is unbelievably fucking good shit." Tommy blinks up surprised after the first swallow. Translation: Wowwie, this food you just made for us is very good! Thank you so much for this!
I'm Not Crazy
ChickLitWe are not the broken clichés you want us to be anymore. We have transcended beyond the "Good Girl ~ Bad Boy" boxes they tried to put us in. We are so far beyond all that now, that we are finally free of all those stereotypes. The story of us is no...