~47~ Something Stupid this way comes...The Return of Silly Dilly.

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"A football team is like a dysfunctional family that hates each other to death. Who would gladly murder each other every holiday ...if they didn't hate the neighbors a whole lot more." ~ Mean Joe Green


At the afternoon snack break and me & B are sitting on the back bed of Tommy's truck in the shade of the old oak tree. We've been joined by Snafu, Ant Kahale and a couple of the other freshmen defensive guys that Ant went to school with known as the Bone Brothers. That we become somewhat friendly'ish within the last week or so. All of who are lounging around in the shade on the back of Tommy's truck bed, just talking trash on everything and everyone. While eating half frozen orange slices and hydrating up for the final hours of puking practice.

About halfway through snack break, I spot Dillon Taylor hanging around the offensive pukes. Just sitting under the striped shade of the practice bleachers, surrounded by all the stupid smiles and testosterone. He looks oddly a lot more confident than the last time I saw him in the principal's office at RFK. Where we left him cowering in the corner from Connie and Billy beating him to dogdamn death. And quite frankly I don't want that asshole to be any more overconfident than he already was last year.

I am starting to think that it might have been a mistake on my part to ask Coach Hall to sideline him for meet My Monster Day. That maybe a little painful reminder of just how much of a coward he really was would really have hit the spot? But being the proud owner of my very own monster comes with some hard responsibilities. Namely, I don't always get to unleash the beast every time I am unhappy with someone.

When Snafu catches my eye and flows it to my target of hate, then bursts out giggling like the little lunatic he is.

"Dogdamn! But that was a great bitch fight." Snafu snortles along.

"Bitch fight?" Ant perks up looking around, clearly interested in any unnecessary bloodshed.

"Not now, before we were here." Snafu smirks over at the bleachers. "Like you all know that offensive fucker QB2? Dillhole over there with the all other offensive assholes under the bleachers? All touching each other's butts and shit?" 

"Not really." Ant shrugs of the stupidity. "Why?"

"Well last year at RFK, O'Really Crazy here bitch slapped up that bitches ass sofa king hard in the hallway, he practically pissed himself silly." Snafu can hardly stop snickering long enough to finish his thought. "He's O'Really super fucking scared of all her crazy cakes."

"Don't listen to stupid Snafu, he exaggerates everything." I shake this stupidity off, blushing a little bit at the kind compliment.

"Oh no, he is not everything exaggerating anything again." Snafu rolls his eyes completely around in their sockets and almost falling over in the process. "Truth is the truth, no matter how stupid you say it."

"No shit? So you slapped QB2 around, huh?" Ant mugs over at me appreciatively. "Nice one."

"Fucking-A-right." B snorts in retort. "Dillhole deserved it and then some."

"Yeah, but before O'Really could kick his bitch balls all the way in? McCrazy here slammed his head into a locker so hard he really did piss himself." Snafu adds unhelpfully. "And then I heard he pissed himself all over again when Big Mac Attack came in the office. All super fucking crazy and shit looking for blood. Basically told Dillhole if he even thought about talking to O'Really again he was gonna rip his fucking head off and drink his blood."

"Good looks, Big Mac McCrazy is the shit." Ant easily agrees. Which based on the many nodding heads around Tommy's truck bed, is apparently the common consensus among the rest of the Brotherhood of F.S.U. as well.

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