!Quick Info!

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Before you read the actual story, I would like to tell you a few things about what's happening, so there are no misunderstandings ^^ So I would really appreciate it if you take your time and read it c:


You are Steven's older sister. You live with him and the Crystal Gems Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl. Your age is about 17 years. You love your brother beyond everything and would even risk your life for the little cutie. Just like Steven, you have a gem. (You can decide what type of gem you have and where it's placed. ^^) ((Your personal thoughts are written like this)) <--

Now about your relationships~


Steven: You get along with him perfectly. He sees you as a role model for himself because you try to always be patient and calm in any situation and protect your friends no matter what. You never dare to shout or yell at him because you know that would only hurt his feelings. You also make him laugh with your silly nature. (He's also pretty clingy to you :3)

Garnet: You respect Garnet a whole lot. She's strong, smart and of course the leader of the Crystal Gems. You dream to be as strong as her and even asked her if she will train with you, but she's too busy to do that although she'd love to. You're also beyond happy when you see Ruby and Sapphire.

Amethyst:  Amethyst and you share the same sense of humor. Although she can be a little reckless and overemotional sometimes (wich leads to some arguments between the two of you) you try to always talk to her seriously in order to not argue too much. But she still cares about you a lot and shares her problems with you. Sometimes she even feels like you're the only one understanding her.

Pearl: Pearl is known to worry about you and Steven the most. She's very elegant and smart. Whenever you have problems studying, you go and ask Pearl for help (Though sometimes she doesn't quite understand human sorts of things). While Garnet is very busy and has not the time to train you, Pearl gives you some mental training. Such as being patient and calm, how to react in all sorts of situations. She has taught you the motto "Mental strenght is the biggest strenght".

Connie:  Although you're not into reading, with Connie it always seems like fun. She likes to share her favorite books with you and Steven. She wishes to have a sister like you, at least that's what she tells Steven. You keep asking her about good books and she's always happy to recommend you some! (You also ship her with Steven ;3)

Ronaldo:  You met him on an anime convention. He told you about his blog and all the things he does and likes. Even though you find him a little weird sometimes, you know he likes you quite a lot. Because of your kind hearted nature, you help him analize different things in Beach City and discovering unusual things. (You're not aware of it yet, but he has a crush on you)

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